eleven ✿ rock and roll

Start from the beginning

"Wanna go to Summerfest this weekend?"

"Is that the one in Milwaukee that Led frickin' Zeppelin's playing at?" Her giddiness is contagious and Steven can't help but laugh as she quietly squeals into the phone. "Uh, yeah."

"Awesome," he says quietly, glancing at the sliding door as Mrs. Forman walks in. "It's a date."

"Ooh, our first one. Excited?"

"Yeah," he says simply, leaning his shoulder against the wall as she starts to go on about how excited she is to see Led Zeppelin in person. He hums in agreement and tosses in a yeah where needed, never tiring of listening to her voice as she rambles on. Kitty keeps her eyes on the boy as he twirls the phone cord absentmindedly around his finger, thinking how cute it is to see him like this because of a girl.

"Are we gonna stay the whole weekend?" she asks, a hopeful tone to her words. Evie has been hoping to see as many of the bands playing as she can, both local and international.

"If you want."

Evangeline squeaks out another sound of excitement. "I do! We can sleep under the stars in the bed of your truck, or I think my grandma has a tent we can pitch." She laughs when Hyde mumbles or both, and tells him only if it rains. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit. Bye!"

"Bye, Eve." The line clicks as Evie hangs up. When Hyde turns around, he finds Mrs. Forman pulling groceries out of paper bags and staring too intently at her hands. The grin poking at her lips turns his tiny smile to a frown as he glares pointedly at her. "Don't say anything."

"I won't," she says, her words delivered in a song-song manner. Hyde grabs a can of soda from the fridge and heads towards the basement. Despite promising otherwise, Kitty can't help but tease Steven. "Have fun with your girlfriend!"


THE DYING BUZZ OF THE hyped-up crowd fade into the background as Hyde slides his arms around Evie's waist, a large blanket wrapped around their shoulders as the disappearance of the sun causes a drastic drop in temperature. The moon shines just bright enough to make out each other's beaming faces; the rest of the light comes form a bonfire a few feet away from their feet.

"That was the greatest four hours of my life." Evangeline sinks into Steven's embrace and sighs, reliving the high of being this close to legends.

Gina, a girl they'd met in the crowd during the second half of the concert, giggles and curls into her boyfriend Sam's chest, a smoldering joint hanging between her pointer and middle fingers. "Yeah, man, that was better than sex."

Sam calls her bluff and pulls her into a heated embrace, while the girl's friend Lorraine agrees with a groan, plucking the joint from Gina's hand and sticking it between her thin lips. The smoke she blows out of her mouth mingles with the earthy smoke of the bonfire, the smell bringing back memories of beach nights back home. "We came from Chicago for this," Lorraine says holding the stick out to Hyde, who looks to Evie before taking it.

"Do you care if I—" Evangeline shakes her head and he eagerly reaches for it, pulling slowly and releasing a ring of smoke in the opposite direction. "Man, that hits the spot. If I never had sex again, that would be fine with me."

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