Fullmetal is the second killer and Lilith is the first Keller. Fullmetal and Lilith are vampires. Everything started with Lilith. What is Lilith planning for Fullmetal?

Roy opened up the door to his bedroom.

Fullmetal has to feed tomorrow. He said that he didn't like killing but what if he kills someone. He has already killed four people. If he doesn't feed that he will lose control that he will kill someone. What do I do? What will I say to Hughes? He will see through the lie. We have been best friends forever we can tell when the others are lying.

Roy sighed as he got into bed.

Edward POV

After Roy left Ed lies down on his bed.

That colonel bastard I can't believe that I told him that I thought that he could help me. I can't believe I told him everything that happened. What if he locked me up because he thinks that I will kill people, that I will attack people if I see blood? What if he can't keep this a secret? What if Al finds out? What will I do?

Ed sighed and got up. He started to read the books that he got from the library. He read all night.

At Roy's office Roy's POV

Roy got very little sleep last night. Roy got in to see that there was huge mountain paperwork on his desk. Roy sat down and started to sign. Roy wasn't paying much attention to the paper but he was paying attention to his own thoughts. Roy found himself wondering off in his own mind. Roy thought about Lilith how she would keep killing to matter what. How she would kidnap people and where she'll keep them. He also thought about why she turned Fullmetal in the first place. He also thought about the hell Fullmetal been in already and turning into a vampire just made things worse. It was 12 PM and Roy was finished half of the work that was on his desk. Hawkeye came in and handed Roy another stack of work. Roy sighed. He couldn't even stop for lunch break. Roy started to sign again. Later that day Hughes came in and reported that there were three people that died two were military personnel. They were on patrol and didn't come back. Hughes sent a search party out to find them but when they were found they were dead. The other one was a citizen. He was found two hours after the other two. Hughes said that it was the first killer. Once Roy was done all the paperwork it was 11:45 PM. Roy got up and looked out the window.

Lilith killed again. There's no way that Fullmetal could kill that many people. Did Lilith kill those military people just to send a message? Will Lilith attack more people if we don't stop the patrol? I will ask Fullmetal about it.

Roy grabbed his coat and walked home. When Roy got home he was alone. Ed was not there. Roy put his coat away and sat down on the couch. Roy picked up the brown old book and started to read it. He reread it because of the information he now knew. Roy read for about 30 minutes when he heard the door open. Roy put down the book and walked to the front door. When he turns down the hallways he saw Ed opening the bathroom door.


 Ed stops.

“Yeah what”.

“Can you look at me”?

“Why” Ed says he turned the doorknob.

Roy took a step towards Ed.

 “Please don't come any closer”. Ed said while opening the door.

“Fullmetal please stop trying to go into the bathroom. That's an order. Fullmetal now please turn around and look at me”.

Edward's POV

Can't bastard just leave me alone? I did ask for his help but not now. I meant I wanted help researching or something.

Roy's POV

Fullmetal VampireWhere stories live. Discover now