Chapter two: Safe Or Not?

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I close my eyes as I sense her finger on the trigger.

"What am I doing? Is this really the right way for me to go...?" I think to myself, almost regretting giving up so easily.

The pink haired girl with the strange gun to my head starts to count down.

"Three, Surprisingly, before she can fully pull the trigger, the red-eyed girl Akame interrupts Mein by putting one of her hands on her friend's right shoulder causing her to let go of the trigger.

"What is it Akame?" The pink haired girl, Mein, asks with a rather surprised expression.

"Look at her, she isn't even afraid of death. Someone who doesn't fear death may be a good addition to our group don't you think Mein?" Akame responds her friend with yet another question. She now sounded more serious than before.

"Well, I guess you're right on that, but the boss said to- Mein tries to say something, but before she can finish, Akame quickly interrupts her.

"I know what she said, but just this once I'm not gonna follow her orders. I say we take her back, then if she doesn't accept joining us, we finish the mission." She explains.

"I dont know where you're going on this, but since you're the leader here, alright then." Mein answers.

It is then that my brain finally process the situation- What?! I think I'd rather die than join them!

"Get up." Akame's voice snaps me out of my thoughts with her incredibly harsh tone. I look up at her face, the red eyes definitely make her look dangerous.

I quickly get up and follow the two girls outside of my room. Taking a look at the world outside of my room I can't help but notice, everything looked different from when I last seen it. Blood covered the hallway walls, my maid Stella was now a corpse sliced in half with her guts splattered across the ground.

"Let's meet up with the others, they should be done with them by now." Akame speaks up, her voice echoing across the many hallways of the Hanate manor.

What? Them? Could she possibly mean...MY FAMILY?!

At that moment of doubt, Akame impatiently picks me up onto her arms.

Mustering up whatever courage I could gather, I force the words out of my throught "W-Where's!" I slowly ask. In response she simply glances at me.

"Well talk later." She coldly answered before picking up the pace only to then suddenly we make a huge jump out of a large broken window.

I gasp holding onto Akame with all my might while keeping my eyes shut.

"I'm...outside?! NO, NO, NO, NO!!! I'M NOT SAFE!"

Panic takes over as I feel wind blowing on my face as we fall from the fourth floor. Ignoring me, Akame swiftly and elegantly lands on the neighboring house' s roof. She then puts me down and look me in the eyes as I go down on my knees.

My heart drops to my stomach...I'm scared out of my mind, more than I've ever been in my entire life.

"Hey Akame, is she ok?" The pink-eyed girl, Mein asks. It is then that I feel Akame's gaze fixated at me.

"She must be scared of us." She adds to the conversation before lowering herself down to one knee "Hey it's alright. We're not going to hurt you." She  says with a warm and comforting tone. I slowly look up at her face, at that moment she gave out a small, but friendly smile.

"You're Kimiko right?" she asked.

"Y-Yes" I nervously reply. How does she know my name?! Who are these people?

I get up and look around. The moon was full and was giving off a light glow upon my face. The stars were scattered around it, they looked like shimmering diamonds.

"I-It's so pretty." I say, almost forgetting my current situation. It didn't long for me to be snapped back into the moment, after all, just as I relaxing a few more people jumped onto the roof and joined us.

My peaceful expression quickly changed back into fear.

"Hey guys!" Mein greets everyone, in response they all nod and greet her back with happy expressions.

Slowly they spot me standing behind Akame "Is that the daughter?" A boy with emerald green eyes asks "Yes." Akame answers almost immediately while also stepping aside revealing me to them.

The boy looks at me confused before turning his attention towards Akame.

"Um- weren't we supposed know.." He says before making a throat slashing motion.

"I know, but I think we can use her." Akame exclaims.

"Well...alright, but it's not our fault if the boss get mad." The green-eyed boy mumbles and then goes over to the others.

I look at the group.

Accompanied by a tall, busty female with feline-like features was an armored individual and a purple haired woman armed with a giant scissor.

"A-Akame..." I call the name of the only person I could talk with here, having so many people starring at me was very uncomfortable. She turns her head and looks at me with her cold red eyes while everyone stared at me as if they already knew what I was going to say.

"W-who are you gu-" I try asking only to be interrupted by the sound of imperial guards approaching.

"Let's go guys!" Akame orders before picking me up. Putting all of her strength into her legs she jumps to the next rooftop, and the rest of the group soon follows after her.

"Ahh!" I yell hoping that someone would hear me, but it was only as loud as a whisper. After all that's happened tonight, I was too out of energy to do anything.

The image of my mansion, my home got blurry as it got smaller and smaller. It was then that I close my eyes and blacked out hoping that this was all some weird dream.

Am I really safe with these people? Or am I walking into another way to die?

Guess we'll find out.


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