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I didn't like Ming Wei at all...

Let me start from the beginning so that you can follow.

In the first grade of high school, we noticed we had a genius in the class. Yes, you are right, Ming Wei, that bastard. He was a quiet type, not talking to anyone, not saying anything unless the teacher forced him to talk. Although he was the way too slim and pale, he wasn't ugly or anything, so I guess he was just shy. Others as well as I tried to break his shell but that dude was adamant! So we just let him be.

I believe that the class already forgot his existence until the announcement of the first exam grades. Damn! He got full points from seven subjects! SEVEN DAMN SUBJECTS! Meanwhile, I failed most of them as I am not into studying at all. I am more of a business person, so seeing his perfect scores, the idea hit me.

I bothered him for a month to let me copy his exams. I was of course sitting at the last desk and he was sitting in front me, so it was very easy to do. I bought him bread; offered him money; even threatened him... Silence.... He did not utter a word! As he didn't say no, I took it as a yes.

It was a mistake.

The first exam was math which the entire class failed in the first exam except him. Everybody's hope was dependent on him and me as I collected the money in advance for exchange of the copy I would get from Ming Wei. It was a perfect plan.

There was only one problem; HE DIDN'T SHOW ME HIS PAPER! From the beginning until the end, he covered his paper as if his life was dependent on it! I kept pinching him but no avail. He submitted the paper in fifteen minutes and escaped the class and left me with the angry crowd, demanding the money which I already spent.

After that incident, I gave him the nickname; Ghost not only because he was very thin and pale but also we all ignored him from that point on as if he wasn't there.

But three years later, everything changed...

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