the flaws in being admired from a great distance

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I have always wanted to be admired from great distances.

I was once even admired across the Atlantic Ocean.

Being admired from great distances is a great investment.

You must look admirable and beautiful to all who see you 

But you only need to look the part when you are being admired from afar. 

You need to be nothing.

And in that moment I realized that I no longer wanted to be admired in that type of way.


See I want to be admired by you.

I do enjoy when your eyes dissect me, however I love when I feel the chemicals in my head fizz the same way yours do. 

All I want is to be seen as someone who you can adore and find great comfort in.

And being admired by you is the greatest pleasure I am going to find in this life.

I need not to experience the world. 

I have experienced you.

And what I want to do is see what there is to see inside that head which I love so dearly.

And keep my focus on admiring you from as small of a distance as possible.

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