part 9

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical mistakes.


"Ok nobody will stare him".
Order Liya.

"Hmm then Pikachu... ?"

Today... He came angrily in my faculty.

He.. He asked me why i didn't reply him back..?

"Then..? "
Ask Liya.

"He he he hee Phana hit him hard and he fell down."
Replied Beam sheepishly.

All chuckled...

"Good phana should beat him more.
Said Cherry."

"No"... Beam cut her words.

"Why... "
She asked back.

"Are you going  to let me tell you or not?"
Ask Beam making  a cute pout.

"Ok ok continue."

I was crying so i left that place.

"Ohhhh"... All turned sigh.

But then in noon there went out a fight between engineering and economics faculties.

"Oh mii.... Are you okay Baby?"
Liya asked worriedly.

Beam chuckled.
"Relax P... I wasn't  even there. "

Ming... You know na Kit's boyfriend.
He informed  us about this.

And i feel like dying... Listening about Forth beat ten people and he gets injured too.

"So his name is Forth?"
Ask Phun this time.

"Ohh didn't  i tell you earlier? "
Confused Beam.

No.. You always  mention him.. "He" ..."he"... "Just he".
Said Sam this time.

"Ohh... So guyz  where i was? "

"You died". ... Complete Pear and grin.

You brat i was just feeling  dying not died okay

She zip her mouth. "Okie Pikachu continue".

"So i ask Phana about dropping me in engineering. "

"Then....? "

"Then he agreed. Said Beam cutely. "


I take first aid kit from his car too and barged that dungeon.

All those tattooed wolves was looking  at me.

Liya hugged him again.
Beam kissed her cheeks.

"I'm  safe P. "

So i found  him there sucking  a cigarette  stic like a mobster.

"Hmm..? "

Yeah people  call him "Bi-Beast". He is head hazer a devil in human.

I throw his cigarette  and he shouts.

"Whatt? "
All shouts.

Guyz guyz... Just listen me first.
Said Beam making them Sushhh...

He instantly shut his mouth  looking  at me and then he stutter.

He was saying sorry.
That he didn't  know what he did wrong so he asked me my forgiveness.

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