Month 51 - March (Spring): PHASE 3

212 9 106

There are few left alive. The last of the Dragon Alliance devolve into a frantic melee, struggling to survive the onslaught.

Just many of the last survivors begin to think that death would be better than this hell, a thunderous boom echoes across the wasteland. Dark grey clouds quickly cover the night sky.

Rain falls onto the land and on the surprised faces that look upward. The rumbling thunder is like holy chanting that causes the very ground to tremble. Zombies and undead spiders alike wail in despair for the first time, their shrill cries cutting through the air. The water quickly disintegrates their writhing bodies, even as they attempt to make a final push upon the Dragon Alliance.

The clouds quickly clear, revealing the bright morning sky which shines down radiant light upon the scarred land. For a moment, combatants on both sides stop in awe of this sight. There is no sound save the breathing of exhausted soldiers, tired of this endless battle.

And then the drums of war begin beating once again. Insane zealots and giants are all that remains of Azi Dahaka's forces and they prepare for a final push.

Meanwhile, elite knights from the Order of the Valkyries, Immortal Legion, and the Order of the Radiant Cross rush on horseback to the battlefield. Close behind them, the army of Sarleon marches at top speed to aid their beleaguered allies.

They charge across the plain and leap over the bodies of the slain to reach those few who still live.


Ravenstern = 0
D'Shar = 133
Lady Viola 0 15 8 0
Order of the Dragon 0 0 0 64
Dame Siora 0 0 0 1 (Injured: You can still fight, but run the risk of dying)
Dame Solstice 0 0 0 1 (Injured: You can still fight, but run the risk of dying)
Sir Evran 0 0 0 1
Dame Cara 0 0 1
Order of the Valkyries = 0 0 0 100 = (400)
Order of the Radiant Cross = 0 0 0 100 = (400)
Immortal Legion = 0 0 0 100 = (400)
Order of the Ghazi Assassins = 0 0 0 100 = (400)
Lord Beckham = 53 14 23 13
Lady Fiona = 52 20 21 10

AZI DAHAKA (attackers)
Bacchus Empire (Corrupted) 0 0 0 0 = (213)
Fierdsvain (Corrupted) 0 0 0 0 = (835)
Dread Legion 0 0 0 0 = (303) → CONSUMED BY HOLY RAIN
Undead Legion (Fierdsvain) = 1335
Jaysus = 464

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