Cut Scene - Azi Dahaka speaks to Catherine

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Azi Dahaka: So you dare betray me like this you pitiful scum? I have given you EVERYTHING, and yet that is not enough? And now you throw away all of your power only to allow yourself to be destroyed by that stupid dragon... YOU COULD HAVE DESTROYED THEM ALL!!!

Catherine (softly): I...only wanted peace...

Azi Dahaka: And you will have your peace. But we can't have you praying to that idiot Jaysus, so if you or your servants say the name of Jaysus or speak ANYTHING about him, then all of your blood with leave your body. If you or your knights/vassals fight me or my servants, then your eyes and reproductive organs will immediately combust. Every time you touch a weapon of war, your hands will burn in flames. If you speak of any of my secrets, your tongue will choke you to death. You thought you could stop my ritual? That you are the only one who could complete it? No. You will be replaced. You cannot stop me.

Catherine: ...

Azi Dahaka: Your undead minions, I take from you, for you are not worthy of their allegiance. Your foolish knights are unworthy of the trophies they have gained. Their trophies will turn to snakes that kill innocents in their sleep. You are unworthy of the life I have given you and now you will forever live in fear of being completely obliterated. You are unworthy of your loved ones. They will suffer for your crimes once I burn this wretched continent and torture all its inhabitants.

Catherine: ...

Azi Dahaka: You know what? I could just retreat my forces into caves deep underground and wait for these Pendorians to just wither away from old age. Their descendants are destined to fight each other for power. They will weaken themselves and give me the perfect time to strike. But no, I am going to enjoy destroying these people.

Azi Dahaka: I hear you like to bake? In that case, I'm sure you know that flour comes from cutting down wheat, a living organism. Well, it isn't too much different with humans no? Only that, I enjoy the pain and suffering that I cause upon you little humans when I cut you down in this life and the next...


Jaysus: So Catherine sacrificed everything only to live in a fragile peace for the rest of her days? Hmm, that is curious...

Mackabee Innocent: Ikr, s*** is going crazy here.

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