Thinking is hard, so I just don't do it

Start from the beginning

I got out of bed and walked downstairs. Was I acting way too familiar with the guy who could kill me and everyone I care about? Probably.

What was he going to do? I wasn't going to help him if he killed anyone I cared about. Which, now that I think about it... was kind of a short list. There was my mom, Tamaki, Mirio, Nejire, Katsuki, Mitsuki, Masaru, and Hawks. My father died when I was young, and there was no way he could get to my mother. As for the rest of them, that's why I agreed to help him, right?

Ugh. All this thinking is hurting me.

I opened the door for Dabi and he walked inside my house, without any invitation.

"Okay, come on in," I grumbled sarcastically.

"I just did," he said pointedly.

"No, shit," I shut the door behind him. I turned around to face him, "Can you at least tell me why you need my help?"

"Sure, Dollface."

"Whatever, Barbeque," I rolled my eyes.

He walked over to my couch and sat down, "So. I just need you to let me crash here, whenever I want."

"... You... You broke into my house-"

"Technically, I followed you home."

"To ask me to let you stay here?" I laughed, "You're something else, Barbeque."

"Will you stop calling me that?" he sounded irritated.

"No! You're literally blackmailing me... for a place to stay? Are you staying tonight?"


Shit. I technically don't live here for the time being. I definitely don't trust this guy in my house alone.

"Too bad," I said.

He got up and lit a hand on fire, "You don't really have a choice."

Stupid, (Y/N). Stupid. Stupid.

I should have called Hawks or call the authorities or something when I first saw this guy. I can't believe I let my fucking interest get the better of me. Now, I have a crazy man in my house.

I should really think things through more often.

"Fine. But I'm not leaving you here alone," I said.

"Fine by me," he crossed his arms.

I took out my phone and dialed Mitsuki's number. She answered pretty quickly.

"Hey, Mitsuki-san!"

"(Y/N), are you eating dinner here? It's kind of early for dinner, but I'll make something you like."

"I'm sorry, I have my work-study tomorrow during school, and I would prefer staying at my place tonight. Can I take you up on that offer tomorrow?"

It wasn't a lie. I did have my work-study during school tomorrow.

"All right," she said.

"Thank you," I hung up the phone.

I turned to face Dabi, who was leaning against a wall with his hands crossed.

"Looks like it's just us, Dollface."

"Shut up. I'm going to go to my room and finish my work or something, and you can... do whatever you do. Don't touch anything," I waved and walked up to my room.


By the time I finished my work, it was about 8:30 PM, which was usually when I ate dinner. Dabi had been... unusually quiet. I expected him to at least say something while I ignored him for three hours. I didn't smell any smoke, so I trust he hasn't burned my house down. I sat up, stretched, then started walking downstairs.

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now