Chapter 3

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Unfortunately Jeremy told me that Bonnie's mum called early in the morning asking her to come over and surprised her with a trip around Europe to celebrate her graduation. She'll be gone all summer. But Jeremy told me she would still be emailing so guess I'll just have to do that. Although wish she would have stayed in Mystic Falls at least a few days.

I spent most of my day with Jeremy. Got him new clothes and a new phone. Also just gave him money to get other things he might need throughout the summer. We had lunch together and although shopping in the guy section of stores is not my thing I had fun. I missed him so much, I'm so lucky to have him back.

He's not too happy to have to now live at the boarding house with Damon but it's better than nothing.

I help Jeremy take his things to his new room and I did purposely only show him the bedroom furtherest from Damon's. I really don't want my little brother to be hearing Damon and I together.

I feel a little guilty for leaving Jeremy tonight but he said he just wanted to stay in and for me to enjoy my date with Damon. Guess that shows that he approves of Damon and I.

Walking into Damon's room I'm disappointed to see his not here. On the bed however there is a note in his handwriting telling me to be ready by eight.

After a shower and carefully choosing an outfit that is both cute, covering myself but doesn't leave too much to the imagination I feel ready. I still have the redish strip in my hair which I like.

I was ready slightly too early with half an hour to kill so I sat watching the flames within the fire place. A knock on the door brings me out of my trance.

I open it to see Damon standing on the other side with his signature smirk and looking as sexy as ever. How is this man mine?

"Looking beautiful as ever Miss Gilbert. Ready to leave?" he asks while holding out his hand for me to talk. I grab onto him beaming up at his face, "Yes Mr Salvatore."

He walks my over to his car and hold the passenger door open for me to slide into. Never known Damon to be such a gentlemen.

Once we are on the road I look over to him. I can see he's nervous. Well I'm guessing he is by the fact he hasn't made any cocky remarks and is remaining silent. I reach over placing my hand on his thigh, "you doing alright?"

He looks over at me briefly before looking back out at the door, "yep just haven't been on a date that matters in awhile. But I know it will end the right way". He looks back over at me smirking.

"Someone sounds a little sure of himself" I remark although I'm glad he's no longer silent. Silent Damon makes me nervous. And there shouldn't be anything nerve wracking about going on a date with the one you love when they love you back. "Well after someone confessed all they were feeling the other night I don't think I have to worry about not getting a happy ending". 

"I'm going to regret saying all that if it's going to make you even more cocky than usual. I don't think I could handle that." I giggle but he doesn't join in. I move my hand from his thigh to the back on his neck, gently stroking his hair. "But I do mean what I said Damon. I'm in love with you and only you."

He looks over at me smiling, "I know. Me too".

The rest of the ride is in comfortable silence. I think both of us enjoying just being together.

The place Damon has taken my too is in the next town over and is a fancy but sweet restaurant. It's intimidate and sitting opposite Damon I just feel so happy.

Damon's comment about five year anniversary sends excited jolts through my body. The fact that he has no doubt in his mind that we will be together in the years to come. I love it because that all I want with him. If I have to live forever I'm going to do it next to the man I love.

After dinner Damon walked me out but rather than opening the door for me he pushed me against it claiming my lips with his own. I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck as he holds onto my hips.

When he lets my lips go he wraps his arms tighter around me, "dates are fun and all but wish I could do that more often". I giggle at his statement.

"You Mr Salvatore have a one track mind".

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