-=A Walk in The Park=-(Narrator X Reader)

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This will include fluff and cuteness <3

(Y/N) POV:
As I walk out of my bathroom, I slip my shoes on and grab my keys as I head out the door. I lock the door behind me, and walk to my car. The engine roars to life, and I pull out of the driveway and make my way usual route, starting with coffee. I walk into the coffee shop, and I spot my favorite barista at the counter. I smile as I walk up to her and since she knows what I always order, all I have to do is pay. While she makes the drink, we spark up a good conversation. After a few minutes, we say our goodbyes, and I wave as I walk out the door. I take a sip of my drink as I walk back to my car, and start the engine once again as I sit down. My next stop is my sister's house. We had planned to go walk at a nearby park and catch up on each other's lives, since we haven't seen each other for a few months. Once I arrived, I knocked on her front door, and her fiancé answered. He let me in and my sister came out of the bathroom to give me a hug. As she gathered her things, I talked with her fiancé, then we headed out. We took her car, even though we didn't really need to, since the park was only a few minutes away.

Narrator's POV:
I wake up and get ready for the day. Me and the boys are going to hangout and go to a park today. We thought it would be a good idea so we can take a break from recording for a day, and hangout in person. Plus, today's going to be nice, so why not? As I put my shoes on, I get a text from the group chat. Mully is just letting us know that he's on his way to the park. I get notifications from everyone else as I'm heading out the door. I get in my car and head to the park. We all park pretty close to each other, and meet up at the start of the trail that goes around the park. We all start walking, having good conversations, fun times, and I seem to forget the rest of the world exists. Crazy how such good friends like these can make that happen.

(Y/N) POV:
My sister and I arrive at the park, and we go to one end of the trail and walk it backwards. We get to talking about what's been happening at work and that sort of stuff. As we are walking along, we pass a group of guys, but I didn't think anything of it, until I noticed one of them had looked at me and smiled. He was actually kinda cute. I smiled, and my sister looked over at me, noticing my smile.
"What are you smiling about?" She stops walking, and looks back and forth between the group of guys, and me. Then she gets that look on her face, like she's about to do something that will embarrass me. 'Oh no. What's she about to do?' My sister then starts to run in the other direction, catching up with the group of guys. I know exactly what she's doing.

Narrator's POV:
As me and the boys are walking, we cross paths with two girls. I'm guessing they're either sisters or friends. I can't help but smile at one of them. Our eyes meet, and after we pass, I look to the ground and smile. None of the others seem to notice, so that's good. I can only imagine they would tease me about it. The next thing that happened surprised me. The sister or friend of the girl I smiled at caught up with us, and is asking which one of us smiled at her sister. 'Okay, so they're sisters.' I somehow get the bravery to tell her it was me, although I needed to prepare myself for when the boys decided to tease me. The girl's sister then asks for my number, and gives me the girls number. I see that her name is Y/N. I smile as she walks away, and the boys tease me here and there until we all decide to call it a day and head home. To be honest, after running into Y/N and her sister, all I wanted to do was go home and message her. Since it's now late afternoon, I assume she's home, so when I get home, I send her a message.
Me: *Hello!* a minute or so later, Y/N texts back. Y/N: *Hello. How are you doing?* We talk for a few hours, getting to know each other, before we say our good nights and go to sleep. The next morning I send her a good morning text, and tell her that I hope she has an amazing day. A little bit later, she thanks me, and tells me the same thing. This makes me really happy, and I can't wait to see her in person again. I decide to text her again asking,
Me: *Are you busy at all for the rest of the week?* and she responds back.
Y/N *I'm free tomorrow!* 'Yay! I can't wait to see her!' I relax for the rest of that day, as I don't want to bother Y/N since she's busy. I occupy myself with cleaning and organizing, and time flies as I do so. I make dinner and text Y/N, hoping she can talk now.

(Y/N) POV:
As I get to know Narrator more and more, he just becomes cuter and cuter. This morning we made plans to hangout tomorrow, and I suggested the park where we first 'met'. He was all for it, so plans were set in stone. Now all I had to do was get through my shift at work, and get some good sleep. My problem though, was that the day was going SO slow. But every time I went to text Narrator to ask how his day was going, something would preoccupy me. 'Ugh. I just want the day to be over already.' After a few more long hours, I can finally clock out, and I say goodbye to my coworkers, then finally head home. I make a quick meal, then go to bed. I turn a movie on, then message Narrator goodnight. I barely get twenty minutes into the movie before I fall asleep, and the next day comes by quickly.

Narrator's POV:
The next morning, I send Y/N another good morning message, then get ready for the day. I shower, and pick out something casual but nice to wear. Then I go eat breakfast, and wait for Y/N to let me know she's on her way to the park. As soon as she does, I practically jump to my feet, grabbing my keys and heading out the door. After the quick drive to the park, I look around and see Y/N at one end of the trail. She waves to me, and I smile. When I get to her, I'm surprised by her next action. She hugs me, so of course I hug back. We exchange smiles, and walk around the park. We have an amazing time, and I don't want this day to end. We point out fascinating things we see along our walk, like an out-of-the-ordinary tree, beautiful colored birds, etc. I can tell Y/N is getting pretty comfortable around me already. Sadly our walk comes to an end, and being a gentleman, I walk Y/N to her car and open her door for her. She thanks me and smiles, and I wave to her as she drives away. I get into my car and head home..
As time passes we hang out more and more, and become good friends. Usually we hangout at public places, but today I offered for Y/N to come over to my place for dinner and a movie. I make a really fancy pasta, and let her decide on the movie. I finish cooking right as I hear a knock on the door. I answer it, and Y/N looks stunning. She's wearing a beautiful yet casual dress that stops a little above her knee. 'Dang she looks cute!' I smile and let her in. I set the table and she sits down. I dish up two plates, and she thanks me for dinner and having her over. We chat as we eat, discussing simple things, making jokes, that sort of stuff. After we eat, I go to grab her plate, but she doesn't let me take it.
"Why don't we clean up together?" She says sweetly. I smile and agree, and we get to cleaning up. It doesn't take long, and we go to the living room to watch the movie. I start it, and Y/N scoots closer and starts to cuddle with me. I put my arm around her, and she leans in closer.

(Y/N) POV:
As we are watching the movie, Narrator puts his arm around my shoulders, so I take that opportunity to cuddle up closer to him. I start to get sleepy towards the end of the movie, but when Narrator gets up after it ends, I wake right back up.
"Oh. Sorry for waking you." Narrator says.
"It's okay. I wasn't really asleep." I say. We get up and he walks with me to the door, but before I leave, I turn around and go to give Narrator a hug.

Narrator's POV:
Y/N gives me a hug before she leaves, but tonight there was something about saying goodbye, to where the hug didn't seem like enough. I look from her eyes to her lips, and she catches on quickly. She steps closer to me and puts her hands on my neck, looking up at me with her gorgeous eyes. I put my hands on her hips and pull her closer. She stands on her tip toes, and kisses me. The kiss seemed to end quicker than it happened, but it was an amazing kiss. Y/N's lips were so soft and they tasted sweet. She pulls away from me and smiles before she turns to leave.
"Goodnight Narrator!" She says as she waves.
"Goodnight HoneyBunches." I say before closing the door. 'Man, what a night!' I smile at the good time we had, but then suddenly feel tired and I go to bed.

(Y/N) POV:
I smile all the way back to my car. I am so happy at the way our night ended! I drive home, change, then fall onto my bed, all with a smile on my face. After replaying the night in my head, especially the end of the night, I slowly fall asleep.

Oneshots With The Boys ;) ~~DiscontinuedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon