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Okokok okokok I cant do it anymore guys and really want to but I just can't commit to writing and I know that's a shit thing to say because know I've left the story unfinished so I'm just going to explain what would have happened I guess....ok so basically you and Tom' start talking more and then after a while he would be like yo we should like be a thing and you're like OK you guys are going out in secret and then Harry finds out and he's kind of pissed because he's low-key always liked you but then again you only see him as your brother and then a whole conflict happens there and then Paddy find out and he gets pissed at Tom' because he's going to have more movies coming out and he's gonna have to leave you behind here and he doesn't want Tom' breaking your heart when he's always gone so then that happens then everything gets figured out and you and Tom' live happily ever after because I'm no monster and I like my stories to have happy endings oh and the whole time this is happening Sam is just sitting there being Sam making jokes and adding a little comedy to the book but that's it I'm sorry I just can't upload any more writing it's just not my thing

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