Nikita: "Honestly, Mortimer was like, so an hour ago, so Colleen can have him".

"All right Colleen, enough is enough. Get over here, we have work to do", says Joey. "Something has changed on the map", says Calliope. "What does it say?" asks Manny. "There will be blood on all of your hands. The price of being a hero in this town of horrors", I read out. "What else is new on here?" asks Colleen. "The Dollmakers Shoppe", says Joey. "No!" Manny, Nikita and I yell. "Creepy dolls are like, creepy", says Ro.

Y/N: "This town is just a mix of everything I'm scared of. Clowns, Snakes, two people constantly being sexual with each other *cough cough* Veronica and the strongman *cough cough* and now creepy dolls.

"It says: The Dollmakers children have changed. They want to spin in circles but keep fighting over which horse to ride. Maybe you can help?" reads out Joey. "All right so clearly they're gonna be dolls", says Safiya. "Spinning in circles, horses, obviously the merry-go-round", I say. "Oh yeah", says Manny. "I may have just been drinking and throwing up but my brain is still ok", I say. "Alright let's go to the merry-go-round", says Joey. "Come on lover-boy", says Calliope. "I'm pissed at everyone right now but at this point, I'm just gonna work with them to survive", whispers Colleen to me.

Nikita: "We see a box and a big button and I'm like, Should I just press it?" Like, I don't know, guys, should we just start this damn thing?"

"Should I press it?" asks Nikita. "Yeah", we all say.

Y/N: "Nikita presses the button and the merry-go-round starts to spin giving me flashbacks to when we were stuck on the Ferris wheel. It also reminds me of when I got my hand sliced so I check my arm to see if it has started to heal..."

"Guys, where's my wound", I ask.

Y/N: "It has completely disappeared. Something's not right here. I mean I'm happy that I don't have a scar or anything but a wound like that does not take a few hours to clear up."

"I don't know..." says Joey. "Um..nevermind lets just focus on this", I say. All of a sudden a box opens and inside is some weird head thing. Safiya picks up the note. "The night killer's doll is split in two: the body and the head. To begin cleansing the doll, you must find the body and reconnect the head. But be careful! The Doll Maker's children were corrupted by the artifact." "We need to find a body," says Joey. "I'm thinking the dollmakers place. That's the only place," says Nikita.

Colleen: "I bolt over there because I want to figure this out and I want to go home. And suddenly, right in front of the front door, I see a little tiny doll foot."

"Guys there's feet here", I say. I see more feet so I start following and everyone follows behind me. "Wait, there's a key on this one", says Colleen. I look around a see a door with a lock. I point that out to everyone.

Nikita: "It leads us to this door in this really sketchy part of town, honey."

Y/N: "I feel like I'm watching a horror movie with us and I'm yelling at the screen "Don't go in there you dumb bitch!"

Colleen unlocks the door and we all go in.

Y/N: "And we're walking in".

We all walk in and it looks like a torture chamber for dolls. "This is...uncomfortable," I whisper. "This is literally out of my nightmare," says Nikita.

Y/N: "So we walk in and we're all looking around and it has to be one of the worst things I've seen all night...and I've watched a couple of people die!"

"Wait, guys, this is the body! It's over here!" says Joey walking over to a doll's body. He holds up the dolls head we got earlier.

Safiya: "Inside of the glass case is what looks like the body that corresponds to the head of the doll that we need to connect."

Escape The Night S3 - A Fanfiction story by tqylorsdress (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now