Welcome to the Town of Everlock (FINISHED EDITING)

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Joey's POV

Joey: "We can go home now!"

The crown of oblivion was lying on the steps next to the sorceress's dead body. I cautiously brought my hand over to pick it up, but the moment my fingertips brushed it, the sorceress jumped up, wielding a knife. My scream of fear transforms into pain as she stabs me in the chest.

We collapse to the floor in a heap, as Andrea and Tyler watch helplessly i the back.

The sorceress stabs me one more time, this time through the heart, and I feel my life slowly draining away as my eyes close...

I wake up with a start and see a bridge with an arch replicating a devil.

Am I in hell?

Through the mist and fog, I spot a strange building which looks like a church, and I can make out the faint outline of two figures. I hurry towards them, hoping they can give me the answers I so desperately need.

A blonde woman and an Asian man stand there as if expecting my arrival.

"I have a way for you to get back," speaks the blonde woman. "But, your friends will need to die."


So many people had already died because of me. 

"Yeah, but they never got a second chance to survive, did they?" says a cruel voice in the back of Joey's mind. "If they were given this opportunity, they would all do it in a heartbeat and make sure you were the one they sacrifice first."

She passes me a knife, and the realisation hits on how serious signing this contract will be.

"This contract binds you to Everlock. Save the town and you will return to the living. Fail, and be lost among the dead forever."

Taking the knife, I slice my left palm in one quick motion, letting out a gasp of pain. I bring my hand into a fist, letting the blood drip onto the document and sign my name.

As I write the last letter, the church evaporates in smoke around me and the last thing I see is the blonde woman grinning at me, looking similar to the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland.

I blink as my eyes adjust to the sunlight, as I now sit in a car, contract in the backseat. "Where's the key- oh." I hold up my left hand, which the keys had magically made their way to.

I examine my palm to see no cuts or scars showing the legally binding act I had committed.

I turn the key in the ignition as the engine comes to life with a roar and turn the stereo on. 'Sympathy for the Devil' by The Rolling Stones plays as I drive down the road towards the Town of Everlock. Down the road, I spot a mailbox and stamp my foot on the brake. 

I sit there for a minute, pondering which nine friends I want to bring on this mission. I grab a pen and start to write down names, crossing some out and replacing them, before finally making up my mind.

I write out a long, detailed letter, making sure I explicitly state how dangerous the mission was, and address it to my friends.

I slot the letters through the mailbox and continue driving down the path to Everlock.


I do my signature sign-off and remove my camera from the tripod. I sigh in relief as I review the last bit of footage. I had already filmed it six times and I was exhausted. I lay down and shut my eyes. I'd just sleep for 20 minutes...

Escape The Night S3 - A Fanfiction story by tqylorsdress (UNDERGOING EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora