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The team just got back from destroying another Hydra base and Steve was wrecked. He was hurt the worst and he's exhausted. They were now sitting in the Quinjet flying home. Steve has his head on Bucky's shoulder and he was trying not to fall asleep. Natasha and Clint were flying the jet talking quietly. Tony and Bruce were discussing confusing science shit. Thor was dead to the world. "Stevie you can go to sleep." Bucky said softly. Steve shook his head. "M fine. We're almost home anyway." He muttered. Bucky sighed.

He knew how stubborn Steve was and he'd end up falling asleep on his own. About an hour later Clint stood up yelling. "Alright Avengers we are officially home!" Everyone groaned at the noise. Thor jerked awake and stood up grabbing his hammer.

"We should throw a party. I mean we just fucking destroyed another Hydra base. We should throw a party and get wasted. Steve rolled his eyes. "Keep rollin them eyes like that and they'll get stuck." Bucky smirked. "Shut up Jerk." Steve mumbled. "Punk." Bucky smiled and kissed Steve softly. Steve pulled away smiled and softly, shaking his head. They entered the tower and Steve took off to his and Bucky's floor. He walked to his room and slipped out of his sweaty, bloody suit and jumped in the shower. He sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair. He sat in the shower for a good thirty minutes before deciding on washing his hair and body. He stepped out and felt the cool breeze his naked body. He shivered at the loss of warmth.

He pulled on a pair of boxers and slipped some sweatpants over them. He didn't feel like going to a party. Tony's were too much. Some were fun but most of them are just full of random drunks and Steve hated that.

Steve heard his phone ring from the counter. "Yo. Capsicle. You coming or what?" Tony. Already drunk. "No Tony I don't feel like being around a whole room of wasted people tonight." Steve said with an obvious tone. "Whatever. You're missing out spangles." Steve shook his head at the nickname. "Bye Tony." And he hung up. Steve laid down on the couch and turned on the tv.

Bucky rushed in a few minutes later. "Hey Baby." He yelled. "Hey Buck. Why're you running?" He yelled to the brunette. "I'm going to the party! Are you?" He asked. "Nah. I don't feel like being around a bunch of people tonight." He said not looking up from the tv. "Ok. Have fun doing whatever." Bucky yelled and kissed the crown of Steve's head while pulling his hair back as he walked out. Steve smirked and went back to his show. It's been about an hour and Steve was feeling like he needed something to hold onto. He went to his room, got one of his pillows and sat down clutching it tightly. It filled this feeling but only a little bit. He watched his show intently and his eyes eventually got heavy and he gave in, laying down and pulling a blanket over him.

Steve woke up a few hours later with his thumb in his mouth. "What the hell?" He muttered as he took his thumb from his mouth wiping it on his pants. He sighed and ran a hand down his face struggling to stand up. It took him a few minutes to stand up and walk to the kitchen.

He got out all the ingredients he would need to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He gets the plate and silverware out fine but struggles with the peanut butter almost dropping it on the floor. He gets it to the counter and sets it down before moving over to the fridge band attempting to get the jelly out. He picked it up out of the fridge door and dropped it midway to the counter. The jar shattered sending the contents flying everywhere.

That was enough to make tears well up in Steve's eyes. He reached for his phone which he had brought with him fortunately. He quickly picked it up and called Bucky sliding down the wall. "Hey Stevie. What's up?" He asked. Steve could tell he had drank some but not enough to get drunk. "Buck. I-I need help." Steve stuttered. "Okay babydoll. I'm on my way." He said. Bucky ran through the crowd of people. Someone gripped his arm stopping him. "Yo. Where the hell are you going?" Tony slurred. "Steve needs help with something. Have fun man." Tony let go of Bucky's arm. "Bye, bitch." Bucky laughed and ran to the elevator and pressed the button. He waited impatiently. As soon as the doors opened he ran to the living room.

"Stevie?" He yelled. "In h-here." He stumbled. He couldn't help it. He didn't know what was wrong. "Steve? Oh my god, Baby." Steve looked up at Bucky with tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. "Buck. I-I don't k-know what's wrong. I was t-trying to make a s-sandwich a-and. I dropped the j-jar." He explained sobbing. Bucky's heart shattered.

"Stevie. It's okay. It's okay. It was an accident." Bucky whispered pulling the blonde onto his lap running his hands through his hair. "Let's get you to bed and I'll clean up the mess okay?" He sets Steve on the floor and Steve looked up immediately reaching towards Bucky. Bucky looked at him questioningly but picked him up by his sides.

Steve laid his head on Bucky's shoulder and hung off of him not bothering to wrap his arms around his neck instead curling up. Bucky carried Steve to his room and carefully laid him on the bed tucking him in. Steve whined at the loss of contact. "Go to sleep Stevie." Bucky muttered kissing his forehead. Steve hummed happily dozing off into dreamland.

Bucky walked back to the kitchen and cleaned up the jelly carefully picking up the glass and mopping up the contents left. He sighed sitting on the couch thinking about what happened. Steve wasn't acting his age. He was acting like a kid. Bucky looked it up on his phone. Apparently it's called age play or age regression. There's sexual and then there's trauma. It's a coping mechanism people use for mental issues such as trauma, depression, anxiety, etc. They regress to a younger age mentally. Bucky read everything he needed to know so he could help Steve.

Word Count: 1087

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