SCP-000's Foundation File

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(A/N: The picture at the top will be what Y/N looks like from now on.)

Warning. You are attempting to access a file of SCP-000.

In order to prevent knowledge of SCP-000 from being leaked several false SCP-000 files have been created alongside the true file.

Access is permitted to only those with authorized administrative clearance of level 5. Failure to have proper clearance will result in immediate cardiac arrest via a memetic kill agent.

Revealing the true nature of SCP-000 to the general public is cause for execution.

Memetic Kill Agent Activated
















Continued life signs have been confirmed.

Now Accessing a file of SCP-000 codename The Girl Who Causes Obsession or Y/N.

Item #: SCP-000

Object Class: Keter / Thaumiel

Threat Level: Black

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-000 is to remain in a soundproof humanoid containment cell while blindfolded unless she is participating in an experiment or cross-testing that requires her to remove her blindfold. Her cell is to be furnished with all the modern conveniences she would need. She is to be offered clean sheets, pillowcases, rugs, and blankets for her bedroom as well as rugs and tablecloths for her dining room. She has a fully functional bathroom in her chamber so she can have some privacy even though she doesn't expel waste from her body. Also, she is to be offered anything she needs or wants for her bathroom.

One of her rooms has a painting area that is to be filled with lots of painting supplies, many canvases, and paintbrushes of every size. There is also an arts and crafts area where she can make any other craft she wants and this area is to be replenished with lots of different craft materials. Her containment also has a pottery area and this area is to be stocked with lots of clay. There is a kitchen for her to prepare meals and lots of different ingredients, herbs, spices, and several cooking utensils and equipment are to be stored in this area. Her chamber has a sewing area where she can make clothes, pillows, or whatever else she wants. She is to be given lots of sewing equipment, fabric, thread, embroidery items, sewing needles, knitting needles, crochet hooks, and yarn for her sewing area. Her space has a jewelry area where she can create gems and make the gems into all kinds of jewelry and she is to be provided with lots of different metals and other materials that are used in the making of jewelry for this area. There's a music area where she can practice singing and playing her musical instruments and it is to be supplied with lots of sheet music for every instrument as well as tools to fix her instruments when they need repairs or tweaking and cleaning supplies so she can clean her instruments after using them. She has a lounge area where she can sit back and relax and she has a library that is to be supplied with lots of books that she can read to pass the time. Her containment has so many activities and rooms that it looks more like a mansion than a normal containment chamber.

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