Chapter 10: Meeting SCP-073 Cain

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Y/N's P.O.V:
I was laying on La Natu's back while reading a book when my mother, Beatrix Valentine. I immediately jumped off of La Natu's back and immediately ran over to my mother. "Mom! I missed you so much! It's been so long since I've seen you!" I said while hugging my mother tightly. She laughed as she hugged me back. "I know, my sweet girl, but I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to see you." She says apologetically. I immediately look her in the eyes and say, "I know, Mama, but I'm so happy to see you." She then says, "Anyway, my dear, we have someone new we want you to meet." I then asked excitedly, "Who is it, Mama?!" Mom then said, "His name is Cain, also known as SCP-073, and he's very nice. I'm sure you and him would get along splendidly." I then say, "I can't wait to meet him, Mama!" I then make La Natu disappear before I leave the room with Mama and the armored guards.

We then enter a chamber where, who I assume is, Cain is waiting for me. He waves at me, and I wave back before I sit down at the table with him. Cain smiles sweetly at me and says politely, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." I smile back at him and say, "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Cain." He then says, "I've heard so much about you from the researchers, and it's an honor to finally meet you." I then say, "Well, it's an honor to meet you too, Cain. Mama was right about you. You are very nice, and I'm sure you and I will be the best of friends." I then asked, "Would you like some tea, Cain?" And he replied, "Oh yes, that would be lovely." I then summoned my teapot as well as two tea cups and two saucers.

I then summon my pack of tea bags before placing one in the pot with some boiling water. I then place a saucer and teacup in front of Cain before placing another saucer and teacup in front of myself. Cain and I then start talking while the tea brews. "So since we know each other's names, how about we move on to something else? Like maybe hobbies?" I say, and he agrees. "Why, yes, that would be lovely. Now tell me, my dear, what kind of hobbies do you have?" He asked, and I responded, "Oh, I have so many hobbies. I like to write, paint, sing, knit, and do all kinds of other things." He chuckles and says, "My, you sure know how to keep yourself busy!" And I'm nod. "Yeah, I keep myself very busy. But sometimes I just want to sit down and relax with a nice cup of tea and have a chat with someone nice. Like you, Cain." I say, and he blushes while scratching the back of his neck. "Why thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it."

The teapot then starts with whistling, and I smile before saying, "Speaking of tea, it looks like it's ready." I then take a teapot and pour a cup for Cain before pouring a cup for myself. I then ask him, "Would you like one lump of sugar or two?" And he responded, "Two, please." I then summon my sugar container and put two sugar cubes in his drink before putting two in mine. We then take a sip of our tea before continuing our chat. "So you know about some of my hobbies, so what are some of yours?" I ask, and he responds, "Oh, I like to sit down and read a good book or two mostly about ancient history, or whatever the researchers give me to read." I then say, "You know you look very similar to Abel."

Cain then looked shocked before asking, "You know my brother?" And I nod. "Yes, quite the strange fellow, but I do, in fact, know him. I know quite little about him, though, but I have met him." I say before taking another sip of my tea. Cain then asks, "So how is Able?" I look at him, and I can see he cares very deeply for Able. "From what I know, he's doing quite well." I say before taking another sip of my tea. He then sighs before taking a sip of his as well. "That's good to hear." He says. He and I continue chatting mostly about literature and what we have read. I even brought out some baked treats I made earlier. We eat some and have a nice time. After we finish our tea and snacks, one of the researchers then comes in and says, "000, your time with 073 is up." I frown before getting up and bidding Cain farewell. "Goodbye for now, Cain. I hope our paths meet again." I say before he responds, "I do as well, Y/N."

073's P.O.V:
As I wave goodbye to Y/N, I feel a sense of sadness wash over me as I watch her leave. She was so nice and kind, and I couldn't get her off of my mind. I truly do wish our paths will cross again because I want to see more of her. I smile as a blush appears on my cheeks as I think of her. 'One day you and I will meet again, my dear Y/N.' I think to myself.

Y/N's P.O.V:
As I return to my room, Mama, who is walking next to me, asks, "Did you have a good time, my dear?" I nod and say, "Yes, Mama, I did. I really hope I get to see him again." Mama smiles and says, "Don't worry, dear, I'm sure you two will meet again." I smile at her words before I enter my containment and lay on my bed. I then close my eyes before falling into a deep sleep.

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