Chapter 19: Princess

Start from the beginning

Rina: I'm sure Kageyama will be fine.

Mina: Mizuki, Rina has something to tell you.

Mizuki: What? Is everything okay?

Mizuki worriedly held her phone, waiting for her friends' responses. She had been so busy with exams, preparing for the school festival, and visiting her father's grave that she may have not noticed if her friends were in trouble. She waited for ten minutes and because she did not get a response, she debated whether or not to call them. Just as she was about to call, Rina replied.

Rina: I'll tell you in person. See you at school >.<

Mizuki hoped it wasn't too serious. She quickly threw on her school uniform and said goodbye to her mom and brother. She dashed outside to find Kei across the street eating a pork bun. She smiled and immediately crossed the road.

"Good morning!" She greeted him, "Fancy seeing you here."

"I live practically right next to you," He rolled his eyes as he removed his headphones, "What are you doing up so early?"

"I was already awake so I figured I might as well go to school. What about you?" She grinned, curiously eyeing the plastic bag he was carrying.

"My idiot teammates want to practice as much as possible until Interhigh. I'm being forced to be there." Kei pouted, digging into the bag and grabbing her a pork bun.

"Aw," Mizuki snickered, "It's awfully nice of you to bring your teammates snacks."

"I owe Sawamura-san and Suga-san for yesterday." He sighed, "They made me buy snacks for everyone."

The pair continued to talk about the festival and volleyball club until they reached the school. As soon as they parted ways, Kei begrudgingly sauntered inside the gymnasium where the practice was being held. He was greeted by everyone, except for Kageyama, who seemed to be practicing his setting alone.

"What'd you get us?" Nishinoya inquired curiously.

Kei placed the bag down and watched as his teammates greedily chose their snacks. He picked one up and made his way towards Kageyama.

"Hey King," Kei threw the bun at him as Kageyama caught it effortlessly, "You're lucky I saved you one before those monsters could eat it all."

"What do you want?" He raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"You're welcome, for the bun," Kei added sarcastically. He didn't know that apologizing would be so difficult yet here he was, struggling to even say the word sorry.

"Did you come here to gloat?" Kageyama glared at him, refusing to eat the snack his teammate gave him.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kei shrugged casually, "I'm here to apologize for the way I acted that night. You know... during your date with Mizuki."

"Why now?" Kageyama crossed his arms questioningly.

"If I'm being honest, Mizuki wants me to apologize." He admitted flatly, "But it's also because it's almost Interhigh."

"What does that have to do with Interhigh?" Kageyama retorted back.

"We're teammates, or something like that." Kei rolled his eyes, "Anyway, that's all I wanted to say."

"Tsukishima." His teammate called out. Kei stopped and faced him as Kageyama took a bite out of the pork bun.

"This is dry." He chewed intensely. Kei smirked and headed towards the rest of his teammates. It seemed that they were going to be alright.

Pterodactyl - Tsukishima Kei x OCWhere stories live. Discover now