Chapter 1

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*Trisha's POV*

I was getting ready to go to Shane's today, Lisa's out of the house today filming with TheFineBros. I had felt my heart skip a beat as I told my self "Time to go see Shane today". I had put on a Zebra print dress on all glitterly and shiny.

"I feel so guilty going to go see Shane today without Lisa being there. Even with the strong feelings I have for him" I tell myself.

I sit in my car and drive to Shane's house and put my head on the steering wheel and sit to think for myself as what should I do to hide how I feel about him. I take my extra small condoms out of the glove compartment and step out of the car and out them in my bra.

"Time to face this like a woman" I say to myself.

I knock on his door and no one comes to answer the door so I let myself in.

"Choo Choo" I yell. "Num Num Num Num Num" *Crying Sounds* Its #Trane. I yelled loudly as I said the into to our collabs. I didn't see Shane and went around to the rooms to see if he was here. I walk into the master bedroom and there I find Joey laying under Shane, shirtless with Shane pressed upon Joey with his boxers on. I close the door and run to my car, trying not to trip in my high hooker heels I was wearing. I sat in my car until Lisa came home and found me crying in my car.

#TRANE~• A Shane and Trisha FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now