Insane Arch Part 3

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The next morning was normal. Everyone woke up except RB, He woke up to a scream-

"AH! WHAT'S HAPPENING-" he said as he ran downstairs.

"CC committed suicide, no big deal." Biscuit said yawning.


"Yeah, Road Sign found him this morning-" said Beep Boop

insert crying Recycling Bin

insert comforting Beep Boop

"kokjAL" randomly blurted out Arch-

"What the hell-" Said Beep Boop.


They were all gathered in the living room. Milk is trying to eat a fly, Arch is nervous, Beep Boop is pretty chill. RB still has tears in his eyes, Biscuit is laughing at him. Road Sign is sitting in a chair like she was a lawyer. Skittle is eating skittles.

"So we all agreed that CC was murdered?" Road Sign said properly.

"Yeah" everyone agreed.

"Okay, but who murdered him?" 

"Recycling Bin" Biscuit accused-

"Biscuit, I will choke you." RB said


"Why would RB kill CC?" Road Sign ask firmly.

"Because CC cheated on him with Wallet-" Biscuit said

"That makes sense, but Wallet forced him so yeah." Beep Boop said causally.

 Biscuit hmphed.

"I think it could be Milk." 

"PFFT, what? I wouldn't hurt a fly!" Milk said as he was eating a fly.

Everyone stared at him.


"UGH! MEETING ADJOURNED, Arch, I would like to have a word with you." Road Sign said even more firmly.

"Y-yes?" Arch said shyly

"Did you see anyone or anything besides Wallet when you came out?"

"W-what, no! All i saw was Wallet getting some snacks." Arch said shyly.

Road Sign sighed, she sent Arch away and started investigating the kitchen. She heard Arch being bullied but didn't care. She continued investigating till nighttime. She got tired and fell asleep on the floor.

Biscuit woke up and started walking down the hallway to Road Sign's room.

"Empty, let's wreck it" Biscuit whispered to herself

She giggled and threw some stuff. Arch appeared.

"Hey loser, what's up?"


"Hello? Arch?" Biscuit said

Arch stabbed her in the head with an axe, and she let out a faint scream. Arch ran out the room. The scream woke up Road Sign and she peered the the hallway. She saw Arch reenter his room. She enter her room, saw Biscuit's dead body and screamed. Causing everyone to wake up and enter her room. Arch smiled and went to bed. 

Insane Arch-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora