Insane Arch Part 1

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It was raining outside. Everyone was in Hotel O Gay. Wallet legit just threw Hot Pockets in the stove and watched them cook. RB was standing next to CC, blushing a bit too much. Milk was reading a book in his room. Biscuit was, well being Biscuit. Skittle was looking at her idol, skittle cure heart. Arch and Beep Boop were watching TV.  Road Sign was outside, doing something. Suddenly, the power went out. 

"AH!" Arch screamed as he hugged Beep Boop

"It's just a power outage, calm down" 

Wallet just eats his half cooked Hot Pockets until he sees Arch hugging Beep Boop

He pushed Arch away.


Arch's eyes twitched and out came a very creepy smile.

"Okay then" Arch said, very creepily

"Ugh, I'm gonna go find a flashlight." Beep Boop said 

"Biscuit, stop being lazy and go light some candles"

"What, me! I don't see you doing anything!" Angry Biscuit yaaaay

"I literally just told you to get some candles." He said as he grabbed some flashlights from the drawer.

"Ugh, fine! C'mon Skittle." Biscuit said as she angrily grabbed Skittle's hand.

Time skip cause lazy ass me.

"How about we go into Milk's room, it's the closest." CC said

"Yeah, let's go" Arch said creepily.

They walk into Milk's room and saw him reading his book still squinting. 

"Stop doing that, it's bad for your eyes." Skittle said

"Oh, hey guys" Milk said surprised

"When did you get here?"

"Just now, duh!" Biscuit said as she jumped onto the bed.

Another time skip cause i don't know what to type.

"Guys, I'ma get some snacks" Wallet said, as he grabbed a flashlight

"Okay." Everyone said tired.

"I'll meet you there" Arch mumbled.

As soon as Wallet left the room Arch said:

"Guys, i'ma check up on Road Sign."

"Okay" Everyone said again

Instead of going outside, he went into the kitchen. Where he met up with Wallet.

"Hey Retard" Wallet said laughing

"Hello there, Wallet" Arch said even more creepily.

Arch grabbed the smallest, yet the sharpest kitchen knife. He stared at Wallet creepily and intensely. Get closer to him every second

"Why the hell you looking at me like that." Wallet said, food stuffed in his mouth.

Arch kept getting closer to him.

"Hey, 6 feet apart!"

Arch stabbed Wallet in the chest. Wallet fell back and Arch continued stabbing. He kept saying "Stabby stab stab" the whole time.

"Wallet's been gone a while, I'ma check up on him" RB said nervously.

No one seemed to care, so he just grabbed a flashlight and walked into the kitchen. Where he saw Arch stabbing Wallet still. RB dropped the flashlight, looking at the blood. He froze. Then passed out. Arch heard the 'thud' noise.

He slipped the knife into RB's hand and dashed outside where he met up with Road Sign. Trying to fix the power. It was still raining

"Oh, hey Arch." Road Sign said, focusing on the power box.

"Hi" Arch said normally.

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