Meeting The Teen Titans

Start from the beginning

The two teens dodged another electrical beam that flew past them.

The beam destroyed the pipeline that the sludge creature was using.

The creature peered into the pipe before noticing the two teens.

The creature turned towards them and began to howl angrily.

The creature charged towards them.
Terra quickly formed dozens of earth shields in an attempt to slow it down.

The creature barreled through the shields.

Terra lifted the earth around her before hurling them at the sludge creature and Overload.

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The sludge creature took the hit as the boulder crushed its dense body, while Overload phased through the rocks.

Overload fired an electrical blast, which Izuku countered with a 10% one for all punch.

Izuku then grabbed some of the rubble before hurling them like giant baseballs at the two creatures.

The creatures began to back away, more out of annoyance, then pain.

The sludge creature screeched out towards the two teens, effectively destroying all the glass in 

the surrounding area.

Izuku & Terra: Argh!!!

The two teens covered their ears.

Terra collapsed onto the ground, writhing and squirming.

Seeing the blonde's distress, Izuku fired a Manchester Smash at the beast shutting it up.

Terra let out a sigh of relief.

She then transmuted some of the earth underneath her, turning them into spikes.

Terra: Ha!!

Terra hurled the spikes at Overload, who swatted them away.

Overload dispersed onto the earth before reforming behind Terra much to their surprise.

Izuku: (shouting) Terra!!

The villain punched Terra across the face, sending her flying through the air.

Terra: Oof!!

Terra landed on a commercial billboard, before falling towards the pavement.

Izuku full-cowled up the building and caught her before dodging one of Overload's attack.

Izuku glared at Overload.

Izuku: Hollywood Smash!!

Izuku fired a 15% One for all kick.

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