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After the lads had played fifa and van had won, he came over to sit next to me. looking down at my phone of the photo of us two.

"can I-"

"yes you can post it" he laughed

I smiled and opened Instagram, changing from the bands account to my own. I selected the photo and added the caption

I love you x

I added Australia as the location then posted it.

"love you too" he smiled looking over my shoulder

It was now 11:05pm and we had pulled up outside our hotel for the night. We all took the things we needed for the night in our backpacks, leaving our suitcases in the bus that was parked at the back of the hotel and made our way inside. We checked in and made our way up to the rooms, we had separate rooms unlike a few days ago. We went and had a look at everyone's rooms before saying goodnight and making our way back to our own. We flopped on the bed and laughed. I lay on my tummy looking at van and tracing the freckles on his face until my finger got to his lips where he pretended to bite it. I laughed and leaned In to kiss him and he put his hand on my cheeks, holding my face.

"Van do you want t-"

"yes 100 times yes, do you?"

"yes 100 times yes" I laughed as he stood up to go to his backpack

"i'm terrible In bed by the way" he laughed and I laughed back

"i'll see about that"I laughed

he came back over and got into bed kissing my head

"are you sure?" he said now sitting above me

"yes im sure van"

"okay, I love you" he said leaning above me

"I love you too"

We lay for a little while, I looked over to smile at him and he giggled

"I don't know what you were on about, you're not bad in bed" I said kissing his head

"i'm glad you think so" he laughed

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, tangled in the sheets with one leg over vans. I got up to switch it off and saw that the time was 9am. I went to wake van up as we were checking out in an hour.

"we have to leave soon, im going in the shower" I said walking away from the bed

"wait can I come in with you"

"of course" I laughed

we quickly showered and got ready. We were sightseeing then going straight to the venue so we were wearing what we would be tonight. Van put a white shirt on, black jeans, leather boots and a long grey coat. I put on some black ripped jeans, a white t shirt and my converse. It was a bit chilly today so I would grab my jacket once we got back to the bus. We got our bags and made our way to larrys room, before going down to reception and checking out with the rest of the lads. we went back onto the bus and I sorted my suitcase out as did the rest of the lads. We drove to the venue and pulled up outside at 10:15am. We left the bus outside and all went to get some food. We sat outside a cafe and had brunch. Bondy giving me and van the eyes, we laughed and gave him the eyes back, he knew what went on last night

Half an hour later we paid the bill and started walking back to the venue

"surprised it didnt happen sooner with you two lovebirds" bondy said to me and van as he stood up

"ah fuck off lad" van laughed and I laughed hiding my face

They had all started to walk as van took one last sip of his tea before we trailed behind them

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