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Van woke up as I went to put my bowl in the sink.

"Morning" I smiled walking over to lean over him to give him a cuddle "aaah" I laughed as he pulled me down so I was lying on top of him

"Morning" he laughed "what time is it?"


"I'm gonna get ready" he said sitting up and peaking out the curtains

We were now on the festival site and parked next to loads of other busses. Van got ready, he pulled out some jeans, a black button up shirt with of course a pair of chelsea boots. I oped for blue skinny jeans, a white blouse and my white high top converse. I done my makeup, straightened my hair and put vans sunglasses on my head. The rest of the lads were ready and we made our way outside. we walked on the grass to an outdoor seating area. All the lads sat down on a bench, ready to do an interview. Many hours later, all the interviews were done and we walked to the area at the side of the crowd for the artists to watch. We caught the end of tame impalas set and bondy was in his element.

"I bloody love tame impala"

"I know mate" van laughed at bondy

Said Come on Superman, say your stupid line

Me and bondy sang while the song faded and they walked off stage.  A few more smaller bands played until it was time for the strokes to come on. I looked at van smiling as the first time we met was at a strokes gig. he smiled back and we clapped as they walked on. The beginning of juicebox started and the crowd cheered, and the sun began to set. They played a good set, you only live once, someday, ize of the world, take it or leave it with loads in between, and closing with reptillia.

The wait is over, I'm now taking over

You're no longer laughing, I'm not drowning fast enough

Thank you

Everyone cheered as they walked off stage and the crowds began to leave. it was 11pm and we walked towards a tent where they were still selling food, I got a salad as I wasn't that hungry but the rest of the lads got sandwiches. We walked back to the bus before all sitting down in the living area to eat. One by one we showered and got ready for bed which took some time and before we knew it, the time was 12:40am. Everyone had trailed off to bed and me and van were sat drinking a cup of tea.

"I fancy a ciggy" I said

"come on then" he said standing up, and picking two cigarettes out of the box on the counter along with a lighter.

he opened the bus door and we stood outside smoking quietly, my eyes closing every now and then. I leaned against van and blew out smoke before putting the cigarette out and closing my eyes.

"you're falling asleep Alice, lets go inside" he said holding my hand and closing the door behind us.

we walked Into the bathroom and brushed our teeth, then didnt walk back to go to the sofa but upstairs  I really didnt want to sleep alone but I prepared myself for it as I got into bed and watched van walk back downstairs. My heart sank, but I closed my eyes and tried not to think too much of it. I heard the flick of a switch and his footsteps coming back upstairs. He crawled into the tiny space and closed the curtain before he lay on his side next to me. I smiled

"I thought you were leaving me" I while

"no, never" he whispered back

He kissed the side of my head as his arm draped over me, like it did every night. The bunk was the middle one and was quite small but we both fit comfortably, lying on our sides. His hand found mine and rubbed circles as I fell asleep.

Heathrow- Catfish and the bottlemenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें