Chapter Ten

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     When Alura gets to the DEO, everyone is running, besides ten agents, that stand at the entrance, waiting for Lex.

"Hey, careful. I am a VIP here I assume." Lex states, fixing his jacket after Alura roughly pushes him onto the ground, at the feet of the agents.

"You are not a VIP here. Never have been and never will be." She snarls. "What you will be, is miserable. And I will be sure of that."

"So tough coming from someone so small." He comments, standing and looking down at her.

"Take him to the cell." Alex comes up, the agents grabbing him and taking him down.

"Director. Lovely to see you."

"I need to go get Green Arrow and Dreamer." Alura states, getting ready to jump into the sky.

"I sent three teams there to go get them. You go to Kara." Alex says, setting a hand on her niece's shoulder. She just nods, and runs to the med bay, where she knows her Jeju and Mother will sit.

She walks up to see Lena, standing in the hall and staring into the window of the room. "Mama?" She says quietly.

"Hey Is (Baby girl)." Lena says, turning and opening her arms, inviting her daughter into a warm hug. "Did you get him?" She asks, not pulling away.

"Ya, he is being moved to the cell as we speak. How is Jeju?" Alura lets go, turning to the window. Kara lays there under sun lamps, now changed from her Supergirl suit to a hospital gown. The blood is now removed from her body, and she looks almost peaceful.

"We don't know. Dr.Shepard tried to use an MRI, but it didn't go through, meaning she has powers, which is good I assure. Dr.Torres doesn't see any broken bones, and Dr.Grey doesn't believe there to be any internal damage. Only thing is kryptonite poisoning. We just have to wait and see." Lena sighs, looking at her wife.

"Can I see her?" The young girl asks, turning to her mother. The green eyes meet, tears brimming on both of them.

"Yes, of course." Lena wimpers, pulling the girl into yet another hug. "We just have to be strong okay?" She cries. "El Mayarah."

"El Mayarah."

They walk hand in hand into the room, and over to the side of Kara's bed. Alura slowly brings her empty hand to her Jeju's shoulder, and gives a slight squeeze.


Three weeks have gone by without any major changes. Kara's stats have returned to normal, and the kryptonite in her blood has gone, but she has not woken up. This has concerned everyone, because the longer Supergirl is in a coma, the more likely of major brain damage, or so Dr.Shepard says.

Lena hasn't given up hope. That is something Kara has taught her over the years of them knowing each other, that there is always good to come, even if it feels as if there is only bad. Alura on the other hand is broken to say the least. She has stopped doing work for L-Corp and as Green Lantern. She rarely leaves the room where Kara's near lifeless body is, only ever eating when Alex or Lena or someone brings food, and even then they have to force her to take a bite. All she does is sit there, Kara's hand in hers, sitting and staring out the window on the other side of the room, where the skyline of National City can be seen below.

"You need to go out or do some work at the least." Lena says, walking into the room where her wife and daughter are. Alura turns her gaze from the window and to her Mama, tears forming in her already bloodshot eyes. She just shakes her head, and returns her gaze. "You can't keep doing this Alura. You haven't talked in weeks, you barely eat. All you do is sit here and pity." She sighs.

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