Chapter Four

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"Green Lantern! This is too hard for you, stand down! I repeat, stand down!" Alex screams through the coms. "The police will handle this."

"I apologize Director, but that is a no go. I promised my Jeju that I would protect this city, and I am going to do just that." Alura says. She focuses her attention on the mission ahead. A little girl was taken by some bank robbers for unknown reasons.

"Green Lantern! Alura" She screams once again. "Damnit, she turned off the coms. I need teams Alpha and Beta ready. Green Lantern isn't ready for something like this. We need teams ready for any problems."

Alura pulls off the back door to the car, and holds the frame of the car. A little girl, no older than five sits there. "Hey sweetie." She screams. "I'm here to help you. Grab my hand and we will bring you to your mommy." The girl takes the hero's hand, who pulls her to her chest and lets go of the car, flying up so they don't hit the group. The cop cars just speed past, on their way to get the criminals.

The hero flies with the girl in her arms, to the National City Police Department, and lands just outside the doors. "Here we are. Now," Alua kneels down to be at eye level with the girl. "I am going to leave you with my good friend, Officer Riley. He is going to take you and help you find your Mommy okay?" The little girl nods, and takes the hand of the tall officer.

"Al... Green Lantern?" A voice comes from behind the blonde, just as she is about to take off into the sky. She turns, and sees a familiar Latina detective. "It has been too long." She says, and an awkward silence falls between them, with an awkward past. "I just wanted to say that you've been doing a good job. You're doing good, Kiddo."

"Thank you. Detective Sawyer. As are you." The hero responds, putting her hands on her hips.

"Thank you. I'll uh, let you go. And please, tell Director Danvers I said hi, and we should uh... catch up some time." She smiles, and waves, while walking inside.

Alura nods, taking off into the sky and towards the DEO, ready to be yelled at.

"Green Lantern!" Is yelled the moment the green eyed girl lands on the balcony. "When I say stop, you stp! I am your commander, and you will listen!" The eldest Danvers comes stomping over.

"I apologize Director, but a little girl's life was at stake, and it was necessary to save her. I dropped her off at the station with Officer Riley, so she is safe." The Lantern turns, as if to leave. "Oh, and I ran into Detective Sawyer. She says hello, and wants to catch up sometime." She throws over her shoulder, and starts walking to the balcony, but Supergirl lands. "Jeju?" She asks excitedly, running over for a big hug.

"Hey sweetie." Kara smiles. "I got the message, is everything okay?" She looks at her older sister.

"Now it is. There was an incident, but Green Lantern took care of it." Alex says, folding her arms. "But, she didn't listen to my orders."

"Listen, I'm sorry about that, I really am. But, no one got hurt, everyone is okay. If I didn't do what I did, that little girl would have died." Alura points out.

"She's right Alex. She saved the girl's life, and that is what matters. But, Alex is also right." Kara turns to Alura. "You need to listen to orders. You work for the DEO. Alex's job is to protect the city and she was just doing her job. And her job as your Aunt, is to protect you. Just next time, talk it out. Please."

"Kara?" Lena says, walking out of her lab. "You're home!" She speed walks over to her wife, still wanting to look professional, but also wanting to get to her wife as soon as possible.

"Ya, I was pretty much finished up on Argo. And I got a message from the Director saying she needed my help. But, Green Lantern took care of it." She smiles, hugging her wife.

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