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[ scene ]

"i heard you missed me."

tam looked up from the ground.

"keefe?? what are you doing here?" tam was thoroughly surprised keefe was here-and that he probably heard the conversation.

"oh-i was buying some chips. and pads for biana." keefe shrugged.

an awkward silence stretched between them.

"um...this is awkward." keefe mumbled.

"no shit sherlock," tam was also pretty embarrased, and completely forgot he was talking with sophie on the phone.

"tam! where did you go?? is keefe there?"

"oh! i forgot about you, sorry. i got to go." tam said into the phone.

"wait so are you with keefe or-? i want to see what happens! tam-" tam hung up on sophie.

"so...who were you talking to?" keefe asked, trying to cover up the jealousy biting at him.

"sophie." tam replied.

"oh." another long silence stretched between them.

"so first i want to apologize for kissing stina. i didnt mean to. i'm sorry for doing anything else wrong. i never meant this to happen." tam quickly spat out.

"i'm sorry for ghosting you. i was just jealous and i'm sorry for my actions." keefe said sheepishly.

they stood there in the corner of the store, not knowing what to say next.

"i cant believe im admitting this but..i miss you keefe. don't disappear from my life like that again. i swear to god you're such a btch." tam told keefe.

"i know right," keefe joked. "so we good then?"

"yeah." tam said. keefe gave a small grin, and to his surprise, tam returned it.

"uh." keefe mumbled. "i've been wanting to ask you something for a while."

"what is it?" tam said.

"will...will you be my boyfriend?"




and as you can
tell, this book is coming
to an end, the next
chapter will probably
an epilogue/special chapter

okay bye

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