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[ scene ]

biana was at the cafe by herself, texting marella about fixing keefe and tam's relationship.

and just as she looked out the cafe window, she saw tam enter the store across the street.

biana was about to go and talk to him, but she decided to stay in her seat, because one, she didnt want to lose her seat, and two, she wanted to give him space,

biana sighed and took a sip of coffee.

she looked out the window again only to see keefe walk into a different cafe across the street, next to the store.

make them meet accidentally...biana remembered.

i've got it! i'll ask keefe to buy me something from the store, where he'll probably run into tam!!

y'all i'm fcking cupid biana was quite happy with her plan.

now it was only time to put it in action.

[ TBC ]


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