Chapter 14: Impossible Quizzes!

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Metal Sonic: We have one dare.

Amy: We need more truths and dares.

Sonic: Let's make our own then!

Amy: NO.

Tails: What's the dare?

Scourge: I want to read it!

Metal Sonic: You're not a host or a co-host.

Scourge: I am now!

Amy: From @fnafdemon they said "Welp... Now, I dare either Shadow, Sonic or Jet to play both Impossible Quiz 1 and 2."

Shadow: Or? Okay, I'm out of the equation.

Jet: I've already beat both of them...

Sonic: Yeah, same here. I don't think Shadow's even played one of them once!

Scourge: Hold on, we'll use a wheel.

Wave: Jet...

Wave: Jet

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Jet: No!

Storm: Sorry boss! The wheel landed on you.

Sonic: I'll help you. Shadow should've been forced to do this.

Shadow: Thanks Sonic.

Sonic: You're welcome Shads!

*Shadow's clearly annoyed.*

Blaze: How about all three of you just play it?

*Silver throws all three of them into a room and Vector locks it.*

*Jet walks up to the computer and sits down.*

Jet: You two ready?

Sonic and Shadow: No.

Jet: Too bad!

*Jet starts the quiz and the other two run over.*

Shadow: What the... Half of these questions don't even make any sense!

Sonic and Jet: Welcome to the impossible quiz.

Shadow: Why would you two waste your time playing this?!?

Jet: I was bored and Wave dared me to, okay?!? She's the one who's actually good at this! She can remember all of the answers.

Sonic: I remember half of the answers...

*They finally beat the first one after 10 tries.*

Shadow: Finally!

Sonic: Shut up Shadow! We still have to play the second one!

Shadow: NO!

*They start the second one.*

Shadow: Still as stupid as ever.

Jet: Wait... All of the answers are coming back to me!

Sonic: Hurry! Speed through them while you still remember!

*Jet speeds through the questions.*

Sonic: Yes, yes, YES!

Shadow: Whatever. I don't even get why I-

Jet: Can you shut the f**k up for once, you punk?!?

Sonic: That's the best thing I've heard all day!

Shadow: You two are too alike.

Jet: Like you and Sonic aren't?

*They beat the quiz in 7 tries.*

Sonic: Yes! We improved!

*The door unlocks and they walk out.*

Mephiles: Good job, Jet. You told Shadow off.

Shadow: Wait, you were watching us?!? Rose...

Amy: I may or may not have installed secret camera's in every room.

Cream: How was it?

Sonic: I'm never playing that quiz again.

Tails: Well... Someone might dare you to-

Sonic: SHUT UP, TAILS!!!!!!

Knuckles: Oh no!

Silver: It's no use.

Charmy: Okay, seriously. Stop quoting memes.

Mephiles: My name is Memphis Tennessee.

Espio: D**n!

Vector: Find the computer room!

Blaze: Please sto-

Shadow: Where's that d**n fourth chaos emerald? ZA WARUDO!

Sonic: Gotta go fast!

Silver: Anyone want a drink?

Almost everyone: HUH?!?

Scourge: Sure...


Espio: That's the best thing I've heard all day.

Eggman: Agreed!

Mephiles: That was just weird.

Silver: Like the fact that you have no mouth?!?

Mephiles: I could make myself one if I wanted to. I just don't because there's no use in doing so.

Shadow: I mean... You could eat.

Tails: Guys! Stop dragging out the chapter!

Sonic: Whoops...

Sally: Goodbye everyone, thank you for reading. Have a good day.

Amy: Please leave more for us in the comments!

Everyone: Bye!

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