Clubs • Drinks & Cute Boys

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*Tyler's Pov*
"Why can't we just stay home? We can order a pizza. Please!" I begged as Jason called the lift at our apartment building. I really didn't want to go to the club Jason keeps raving about. He keeps trying to get me to do things with him but I would rather stay at home in my plush bed on tumblr all day.

"Oh come on stop complaining. Its going be fun." he pushed. "What if you meet THE ONE tonight?"he called a little bit to dramatically as he pranced out of the lift. He whispered something under his breath that I couldn't quite make out but sounded something along the lines of 'I hope so', whatever that could insinuate.

"Whatever." I sighed as I pushed open the cold glass door that lead out of the building and into the parking garage. Jason's car was parked just past the doors to the building, it wasn't to bad of a walk. I opened the door and sighed as I sunk down into the silky leather seats of Jason's car. He slid into the car without a word and started to head towards the venue. We didn't talk much on the drive there, just the casual small talk and the radio softly playing in the background. Before I knew it we were pulling up to the venue. The building looked run down and old but still in decent enough condition not to be creepy looking. As soon as we stepped out of the car and onto the curb we heard the music from inside being blared at max volume.

"Ready?"Jason asked with a half smile as he turned to look at me.

"I guess so." I said walking around the car to meet at Jason at his side. I started to head for the line thinking we would be standing in it until we were let in but it seemed as Jason had another form of entry.

"Tyler the door is this way, not at the end of some lousy line." Jason smirked as he pulled my arm, and along with it the rest of my body, towards a very tall skinny man dressed in all black. He was wearing a name tag, it read 'Levi' in large type and just under it 'SECURITY' in a much smaller type. "Jason and guest." Jason smiled at Levi.

""Right this way Jason." Levi smirked as he walked over to a big red door and opened it. "Have fun."

"Thanks,um" Jason's eyes scrambling to find Levi's name tag, "a, Levi."

Levi just smiled and we headed into the building. The music intensified and I suddenly could barley hear my own thoughts. The music had no real words to it just a loud hypnotic beat. The club only had 3 main sections that I could see. The bar, which spread all across the far wall with what seemed to be 5 bartenders. Something that seemed to look like a VIP section and also the area where Jason was dragging me to. Along with a giant dance floor that spread across the whole middle and far right side of the room. There were lights flashing every where and it made my head hurt a little. Suddenly Jason let go of my arm and spoke up to talk to another man.

"We are here with Meghan." Jason smiled to the man, dressed just like Levi who we left outside. The man didn't say anything just stepped aside and held out his arm as if to show us we can enter. "Thanks" Jason smiled once more. Jason grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards some big red couches along the back wall of the roped off area. He sat down and motioned for me to sit next to him as he called a someone over which I assumed was someone else he knew.

"What can I get for you?" the man whom Jason called over asked. Oh I guess he's the guy who gets drinks not someone Jason knew. Jason told him our drink orders and the man headed back in the direction he came from.

"As soon as you get a few drinks in you, you'll have fun." Jason winked at me.

"Oh so you are just trying to get me drunk?" I giggle.

"I'm not like that and you know that." Jason frowned. The man with the drinks came back with a tray full of drinks. Jason looked at me, smiled, then back at the man to take the drinks. "Thank you."

"Not a problem sir. Will you be needing anything else?" The man smiled.

"I think we are good. Thanks." I spoke up dismissing the man. I didn't want Jason ordering anymore drinks than he already has.

*a few drinks later*

I'm not really drunk, more like a nicely buzzed. Jason pulled me out onto the dance floor after drink 1 and we stayed through drink 2 and are still here mid-way through drink 3.

Every so often this dream boy comes to talk to Jason. He says a few words then wonders of somewhere else. He has perfect chocolate brown hair that I just want to mess up. To bad all the cute guys are straight...


A/n: So thats a thing. Tyler saw Troye talking to Jason and thinks he is dreamy if you didn't catch that part. Okay well tata for now.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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