This planet is an interesting one, Melanie thought as she walked. Blue tropical flowers the size of herself grew all around and strange knobbly cylindrical pillars lined the walk. Not to mention the strange animal cries that rang out in the distance every now and then. Melanie's hand inched over her staff for most of the journey. However, after a little bit, she caught sight of the village and called out to her companion's.

"Look, a village." She said.

"Maybe they have a ship we can... borrow," replied Anakin.

"Borrow my ass. You'll crash it. If we find a ship, Ahsoka and I are flying us home." Punching Anakin in the arm, Melanie scanned the village.

Smoke rose from the chimneys of little pod-like houses that were surrounded by paddocks of red plants. It was a quaint little village however something was off. It was too quiet. Everywhere she looked she could not see a soul. There was no one there. At least that the group could see.

"They're growing healing herbs." Noted Ahsoka.

"Nysillim, I believe," Obi-wan added. "One of the most valuable crops in the Galaxy."

"This place looks deserted." Melanie finally said out loud as they neared the entrance to one of the houses.

"I don't believe it is... The crops are ready to be harvested. Tools are lying around. No, somethings amiss." Obi-Wan said quietly, scratching his beard.

"Well, there's one thing I learnt where I grew up if you want to know what a farmer is up to, look in their barn," Anakin said.

With that, the group made their way towards the big barn at the centre of the village. Anakin pressed a big square button and the doors slid open to reveal a spaceship.

"This is an odd ship for farmers," said Obiwan. "Perhaps someones here to pick up the sillim."

"I still don't get it." Ahsoka began before trailing off.

"Where is everyone?" Melanie finished for her.

They began a search of the village. Anakin and Ahsoka split off from Obiwan and Melanie to check inside one of the houses. Together Obiwan and Melanie check inside a few of the houses but found nothing until Obiwan felt something.

"Come," was all he said as he took off in a brisk walk towards the house Anakin and Ahsoka went in. Melanie was forced to jog to keep up. Through the window, she could see a few figures and the familiar glow of lightsabers.

"We don't count you, knee-high." Came a mechanical voice.

"Do you count us?" Melanie asked as she entered the house with Obiwan. She extended her staff at the same time Obiwan ignited his lightsaber.

The tensions inside of the room skyrocketed and Melanie felt her heartbeat race. She became very aware of every little movement that each person made.

"Stop! Don't harm them!" Yelled a frail, heavily accented voice, breaking the tension. All eyes spun behind Melanie and Obiwan to a small green figure with a long neck. He came up the stair with his four-fingered hands raised. He turned to one of the bounty hunters and said "Can't you see these are Jedi. We are saved!"

"Saved?" Ahsoka questioned.

"Need I remind you, Cassis, you already made a deal with us?" The woman Bounty hunter that Cassis was talking to answered.

"But with the Jedis' help-" Cassis continued

"Excuse me, but help you with what?" Melanie interrupted, getting sick of not knowing what was going on. Cassis reached up to the female bounty hunters gun and lowered it.

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