💕Coffee Date Part 2💕

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I park my car. I turn the engine off and walk in. "I'm home!" I say. "Hey Liza. How was the mall?" Ant asks, looking at my bags. "It was nice. Kouvr helped me choose some clothes for tonight." I say. "Why? Are you going on a date or something?" He asks. "Oh no, no! I'm just going out for a coffee with Tony. That's all." I say. "Oh ok..." he says still not satisfied with my answer. I decide to ignore him and go get ready. I walk into my room and put my bags on the bed. I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I connect my phone to the speaker and hit my playlist. I start to sing. I finish and rap myself in a towel. Then a thought comes to my head. Why did I buy another outfit? Why did Tony tell everyone that we were going for coffee. Is it a date? Does he think it is a date? Does he think I think it's a date? Do I think it's a date? Shit. It's a date! Don't worry, don't think about it, don't stress. If it was a date he would have asked. "Do you want to go out with me?" With his signature smirk. Ok... just get ready and act cool. I walk to my bed and get dressed. I put some mascara on and straighten my hair. I sit on my bed so I can close my shoes. I put some perfume on and look at myself in the mirror. Looking good! *wink*. I walk out my door. I'm halfway down the stairs when I remember my bag. Urgh up again. I walk up and get my bag. Shit I didn't charge my phone. I have to charge it in the car. Whatever. As I go to get my car keys I bump into Quinton. "Wow!" He says. "I think you mean 'oops I'm sorry my bad'" I say. "Oh- um- y-yeah sorry. But still... you look... really, really pretty." He says looking at me. "Thank you." I say doing the Debby Ryan thing.

( ^ this is it if you didn't know what I meant )

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( ^ this is it if you didn't know what I meant )

"Where are you going anyways?" He asks. "Oh I'm going for a coffee with Tony." I say. "Oh! Tony?" He says surprised. "I thought it would have been Nick or something". He adds. "Oh- haha- no." I laugh awkwardly. "Well I've got to go. I'll see you later." I say. "Yeah sure. Bye Liz!" He waves and I walk away. "Bye Quinton." I walk to my car and thankfully I have a spare charger in there. I plug my phone in and text Tony

Helicopter boy 🚁

Liz 😏🥵🤸🏼‍♀️
Hey Tony. Where are we meeting up? Do you want me to come over and we go together?

Helicopter boy 🚁
Hey Liz. Um maybe you can come over and we can go with my car?

Liz 😏🥵🤸🏼‍♀️
Yeah okay. I'm leaving Sway now. I'll be there in 30

Helicopter boy 🚁
Okay see you in a bit

Liz 😏🥵🤸🏼‍♀️
Okay 😚
Seen at 16:56

I close my phone and start the engine. I back out the driveway. The ride was pretty normal. I arrive at the hype house. I ring the bell. Nicole opens the door. "Hey Liz!" She hugs me. "Hey Nicole!" I say hugging her back. "Where's Tony?" I ask. "Oh I don't know?! TONY?! LIZ IS HERE!" She shouts. "OKAY COMING!" He shouts back. He walks down the stairs. "Well I'll leave you then. Love ya Liz!" Nicole says going to her and Ondre's room. "Bye Nicole" I say. Tony hugs me. I hug back. "Hello princess." He says. "Hey Tony". "Are you ready to go?" He asks. "Yep!" I say popping the p. "Okay then!" We say our goodbyes and walk towards his car. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Just the usual. Starbucks." He says. "Ok cool." I respond. We get in his car and drive off. We arrive at Starbucks. Tony parks his car and we go in. Tony tells me to find a seat whilst he goes to order. I tell him what I want and I tell him that I'll pick it up. He says ok and goes. I sit there waiting. I haven't got a text from Nick today...I mumble softly. He always texts me. I whisper puzzled. Even if he doesn't feel well he'll text me. Especially after what happened yesterday I would have thought he would text me. Maybe I should text him? No! You're on a "date". That's just rude. But, I just want to see how he is. That's all. Okay I'll text him

Thicky Nicky 😌

Liz ☺️😈🇬🇧
Hey Nicky. How are you? You haven't texted or called me today. Is everything okay?? 🥺
Delivered 18:05

That's weird... he always replies. Maybe he's doing something or is asleep. Just as I was thinking about it Tony interrupted my thoughts. "I ordered the coffees." He said. "Oh okay I'll go get them!" I lock my phone and leave it on the table. I get up and go to the coffees. "Nellie's caramel macchiato and Frappuccino?" The lady said A/N do the people at Starbucks really need a hearing aid or something because my name is Lili and the always write Nellie 😒 I go there and pick the stuff up. "Thank you!" I say giving her a small smile. She just smiles back. I walk up to our table and sit down. "So tell me something about you that not a lot of people know. Like... a pet peeve." Tony says. "Well- ummm... oh! I really hate when I'm writing with a ball point pen and all the ink gets smudged on the paper and on my hand." I say. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Let me show you" I grab my phone and go to my gallery. I show him this photo.

( it's a real struggle for us left handers 😔 )

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( it's a real struggle for us left handers 😔 )

"Oh I get it!" He says. "Cool so now you tell me something about yourself. "Well I love Star Wars and bas-" I cut him off. "You lost me at Star Wars!" I say laughing. He laughs. We finish our coffees. "Do you want to go for a walk or something?" He asks. "Yeah sure. I was actually going to ask that!" I chuckle. We walk out of the coffee shop and decide to do a little stroll around in the park. As we are walking our hands brush on each other. I look at him and he blushes. Before he can pull it away I grab it and intertwine our fingers. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Oop Liza has crush. No! No I don't. What about Nick? I don't know I'll see whose feelings win. I know that it's a bitch move but I don't give a fuck. We continue to walk hand in hand. We decided to go home. We get in the car and head to the hype house. The car drive was normal. We reached the house and I told Tony that I wouldn't come in because I had to brainstorm for a YouTube video. I walked with him to the door. "I enjoyed today. It was fun." I say. "I enjoyed it as well. I hope we can do it again some time." He says. "Me too!" I say. He leans in and kisses me on the cheek. I blush. I look at him. I don't really know what to do but next thing I know I kiss him on the forehead. He blushes. "Bye Liz!" He says. "Bye Tony!" He walks in. I walk to my car and head home
Wow that was a lot
1288 words

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