~Chapter 1~

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{no pov}

Sitting in the back was not new for Jungkook. he always sat in the back, but this time it wasn't to a new foster family, nor the school where endless days of teasing would be made. Instead this time he was off for a new chapter of his life, college. He kept the promise to his eleven year old self, and got into one of the best universities in Seoul. He had worked hard earning himself an art scholarship. Maybe the curse was over he had thought before he left his town of Busan where he had grown up. That thought was cut short at the butterfly that fell limp at his feet. 

University would be the escape of a lifetime Jungkook thought the whole bus ride. He had a list of rules for himself already made out, Ignore. Don't talk. No parties. Sure, yes, it would be boring, it was worth it. Jungkook's heart could not take another death because of him.

Jungkook hadn't need to bring much, he never had much growing up, always switching family households. He was used to the familiar 'Jungkook please come downstairs we would like to talk to you' and the heart shattering sound of a quick 'Sorry that this couldn't work out Jungkook.'. He was used to it all. But in all honesty goodbyes were the easiest. To him it meant "They won't suffer anymore.". His mindset was, yes, a bit poisonous, but yet he was somewhat happy.

{author pov}

'The bus ride was quicker than I thought it would be.' Jungkook thought whispering to himself as he entered his dorm building. To be honest maybe Jungkook was a little too surprised when he heard that on campus living would be already settled for, but he went along with it. The steps up to the 5th floor echoed. Wondering if his head was just amplifying the sound of his heartbeat instead. He rattled the dorm key looking for room 9597. Once he had found it he rushed inside after hearing a laughter from down the hallway. The laughter seemed quite contagious he almost found himself wanting to stay just to see who the weirdly pitched laughter belonged to. Finally opening his eyes, not realizing they were closed, he expected to see a nice dorm space he would have to himself for the whole year or so, but no. He was met with a pair of 2 eyes looking at him. At first he panicked thinking he was in the wrong room, before the shorter one asked "Hey are you Jungkook." he nods quickly hoping to escape a conversation so he could actually go find his room. "Great, when hey told us another freshmen would be joining us we both became excited!"I guess the taller one could tell Jungkook was a little freaked out so he stepped up and spoke "Hi. I'm Taehyung and this is Jimin. Its nice to meet you." Jungkook stepped back a little bit before speaking up "I-i think there was a misunderstanding, i specificly said i didn't want roomates." his eyes immediately looking at the floor after seeing the saddened face of the shorter one, Jimin was it? "Oh. I'm sorry...you can go into a different room and try to call the head of housing department." Taehyung tried saying hopefully even though Jungkook could tell he was sad as well. Jungkook nodded quickly before quickly walking towards the bathroom. The phone ringed twice before answered. Jungkook listened very well, but could not believe what he was hearing. All the housing for private dorms had been taken well before Jungkook even enrolled. With a shaky sigh he left the bathroom. Taehyung's and Jimin's eyes lifted up to meet his, and without smiling or looking up he quietly asked "Please show me where my room is." Taehyung nodded and quickly showed him to his room. "Um. I'm sorry things didn't go your way." Jungkook's eyes flooded with unknown tears, hearing those words only brought back so many memories he had hoped to have locked away after arriving in Seoul. "Its fine. I'm used to it." he said dejectedly before closing the door. Jungkook threw himself on his bed hoping that the pillows would cover some of the sobbing. Jungkook was a strong kid, but tears could never feel to leave him alone after his beloved flower spider stroke somebody else. But this time the spider came for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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