'chapter 3 ~ learning'

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'y/n pov'

oh my god, i want to bang my head against a table right now.
im paired up with him.
big bird, known as pino. bad boy of the class, and even, school.
god, i really regret coming here.

he stands up, like the others, and walks over to me, with this damned smug smile on his face.
he wont be looking so confident after i slap him across the face..
he sits down next to me, trying to look cool and all.
"what do you want?" i say, with agressive manners. i may seem harsh, but come on. its pino. he deserves this treatment.

"wow, agressive much ?" he says, offended. which he shouldn't be, because he deserves this treatment !
before i could say anything, he resumes his sentence "anyways, i'm here because we're doing a project together, 'smart girl'". i look at him, furiously, knowing that he meant smart girl sarcastically.

"i am smart, thank you very much ! compared to you, i'd be albert einstein !" i say, truthfully. because pino was basically a straight d- student before highschool. and i'm assuming that he's still going to be as dumb as he was.
and the more we argued, the more he proved my assumption, he is dumb. end of discussion.


'big bird pov'

so, im paired up with this girl. her name is.. y/n, i believe. and shes kinda cute.
i don't think she really likes me though. shes really mean. but i like hard to get, to be completely honest.
"can we just start with the questions already ?" she asked, sighing in mental pain. i chuckled, "sure, why not".

we asked our assigned questions, to get to know eachother. and turns out, shes really.. boring.
god, all she does is play minecraft. thats just sad.
but it's okay, you can do anything you want when you're sexy, right? i chuckled to myself, knowing the reference i made in my head. haha ! im so funny.


'y/n pov'

again, is he even listening ? i'm basically talking to a wall, with how much he dozes off. it's really annoying, but after much patience and snapping him out of his dumb little daydreams, we finished our little 'questionnaire'.

so.. now, all we have to do is make a presentation, about ourselves, what questions we were assigned, and what we learned from the expierence.
for me, basically nothing. i already knew he was a full of him self, smug little boy.
and honestly, i don't wanna learn more about him. having to take this project with him was already enough. 

"so.. we can go to my house and finish this presentation tommorow ?" i came up with the idea to him. he just nodded in response, and dozed off, again. luckily, the only lesson we had left after that was drama, and i don't have that with him.

i went home, relieved that i didn't have to see him again, for today, at least.. tomorrow, hes coming over..
'nothing will go wrong', i reassured myself. i'm a strong, independent woman. i got this.
right ?


'end of chapter 3'
word count: 510

'sesame street hs bad boy ~ big bird x reader'Where stories live. Discover now