'chapter 9 ~ alternative end'

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'its the last chapter whooo!!! happy new year every1
hopefully 2023 will be a good one for us all. im ready to let both this book and this year go. maybe ill write serious fics for fandoms and for those who havent caught on, this is obvi a joke. im not actually a big bird fanboy lol' (UPDATE; written on new years but I deleted it. i just didn't really like this ending and I think the last chapter was sufficient enough. take this as an alternative though)


  it was 2 weeks after our confession. me and big bird started dating. and even though he was a massive asshole to everyone around him, he was still kind to me. we didn't get to hang out often outside of school, but when we did we always did something different and special to make it memorable. i couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend, who is so fun and loyal.

when i first told ari about my relationship her initial reaction was to scold me for dating a bad influence like big bird, but eventually she saw how good he was to me and she even became friends with him herself. i'm glad my boyfriend and my bestfriend are able to get along, i'm really grateful for both of them, especially ari, i never thought i'd ever make friends at this school let alone a friend like her who i can hangout with everyday and talk to for hours at a time without getting bored.

bigbird and i's school project was well-received. i'm keeping up well with all my homework and today i'm going to study with ari in the library for an upcoming math test. i was in history class looking at the clock, waiting for it to be 6.30pm. my history teacher was nothing short of the most boring person ever, so i dreaded every class i had with her. i counted down the seconds 'till the bell rang. when it finally did all my stuff was already in my backpack and i ran over to the classroom where ari was, hoping she'd take longer than me. and she did. we walked up the stairs to the second floor and made our way to the library.

but on our way there we came across something we'd never expect to see...

bigbird was kissing... another guy. his long beak was all up in the other guys mouth. i was getting nauseous at the sight... why would he cheat on me ? i thought he loved me, i didn't even know he liked guys. i guess that means hes not only one keeping a secret, but even so, it hurt me to see him do this to me. i thought he was loyal, i thought that he changed his ways for me. i thought he was more than just some bad boy player, but that was all just me being naïve. big bird played me, i was just part of his game.

i felt my heart squeeze and my throat close up. tears spilled from my eyes. obviously ari saw it too "y/n... i'm so sorry this happened to you" i ran into the arms that she opened up for me and sobbed into her shoulder. that's when big bird noticed the noise and turned towards us. "y/n! it isn't what you think!" he shouted. i didn't reply, instead, i ran away, ari following me.

i ran away behind the school and slid down against the wall. ari showed up a few moments later, out of breath. "y/n.. are you okay?" "i'm really not, ari.." she sat down next to me and held me in her arms. "y/n.. i'm sorry this happened to you, i'll be here as long as you need me to be." she said. "thank you ari," i paused, "i love you."

"i love you too y/n. ever since we met. i'll never let you get treated like this again"


i laid cuddled in bed with ari. i finally unlocked my phone only to see loads of notifications from big bird

1 new notification!
bb💗: y/n please talk to me
reply: we're over. i've moved on and clearly you have too.

block user?
yes no
user has been blocked.

it was hard to block somebody i thought i trusted. it has been such a short amount of time and all this has happened. i put down my phone on my nightstand and wrapped my arms back around ari as i closed my eyes and fell asleep

'well thats the end of the cringefest finally after all these years. its the longest chapter so i hope u liked it cuz i sure didnt. this took like 3 years to make. i write like once a blue moon so i finally did it and made an end to this. so i hope reading this was worth ur time maybe ill make stories similar to this one or stories about shit im actually interested in. which isnt alot anyways you are probably getting as bored reading this as i am writing this so bye
835 words'

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