The rarist of ponies

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I awoke to an unnaturally bright sun beaming in through the large bay window in Twilight's room. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to block it out to go back to sleep but it was no use. It might have worked if it weren't for a small claw poking me through the sheets from the side of my bed.

"It's time to get up Mr. Hadrian." Spike said with a tone of reluctance. Apparently he didn't like waking up early either. "Twilight will be back with breakfast soon." He added as he rubbed his eyes and made his way for the stairs. As soon as spike said the word breakfast it dawned on me that i hadn't eaten anything since i got here, my stomach felt like a cavernous gorge and my hunger instantly hit me.

"Ugh, i hate mornings." I said as i reluctantly rolled out of the small bed. "Still talking to a lizard boy. Not a dream." i said under my breath, reminding myself this is apparently my reality now. "Hey man, what are you anyway? Some kind of lizard?" i asked with a yawn as i dragged myself down the stairs slowly, I usually just sleep in boxers but that seemed rather inappropriate in a stranger's house so i kept my jeans on.

"I'm a dragon!" Spike answered with pride.

"Wow, a dragon. I can honestly say i've never met a dragon before. I thought you guys were all massive, fire breathing princess snatchers." I joked as i joined the little guy in the main room.

"Hah, that's speciesist!" Spike joked back. "Besides i'm just a baby dragon. But i could burn you up if i wanted to." He said with forced machismo. He could have been telling the truth for all i knew. So i didn't push it.

"So this is real huh? I'm in Ponyville, in a library that's built into a hollowed out tree, talking to a baby dragon." I mused as i took a seat on one of the large pillows on the floor.

"Well, yeah, Why wouldn't it be?" Spike asked plainly.

"Let's just say this wasn't my reality twenty four hours ago." i sighed in response. Spike and I both stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity. Thankfully Twilight came trotting in through the front door with two large brown paper bags floating next to her. She levitated them into the other room where i heard them set down with a thump.

"I stopped by the market and brought us some breakfast!" Twilight said cheerfully as she went into the other room, humming happily. Spike and I just looked at each other.

"Lemme guess, Twilight is a morning person?" i asked with mocked surprise.

"Oh yeah. Big time." Spike responded in a similar tone.

Twilight set about making a large breakfast comprised mostly of some kind of really large eggs that she scrambled up. She also did up some pancakes and what i assumed were hash browns, though the potatoes she used were blue. My appetite was ravenous at that point and i ate like a man getting his last meal on death row.

"Wow, you must have been really hungry." Twilight said as she stared on in disbelief at how much and how fast i had just eaten.

"Now that's my kind of guy." Spike said with a grin before hi-fiving me. The little guy was definitely growing on me. I mean, how many people can say they've hi-fived a dragon? After we all had finished, i did the dishes since Twilight cooked. Despite her protests, i insisted. After breakfast was all cleaned up i asked Twilight what exactly i should do today. I was in a strange new world where physics and natural law don't seem to apply.

"Well, you could start by putting on a shirt." Twilight said with an impish grin and a slight blush as she pointed a hoof at my bare chest. I kept myself in pretty good shape so i was always just comfortable without a shirt on, truth be told, I kind of forgot i wasn't wearing one.  "Which reminds me, i should probably take you to see my friend Rarity at her boutique. I assume you only have that one set of clothes." She added as she put on a set of saddle bags which bore the same symbol as her flank. She levitated a few books into them before closing them tightly. "I have to drop these off to her anyway." she finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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