How Roxy and Titus met (v.2)

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I'm starting to forget some of these! Oh no! Better start writing as many as possible then!

This is the second version of how Roxy and Titus met. The third and final version is what is currently in the story.

Of course, this was after I finally figured out that the techno trolls lived underwater, sooo yeah.


So in this version, instead of meeting King Marin on the beach above techno reef, the royal Hard Rock family dives deep below the water in the angler submarine to visit the reef.

They witness the reef's marvelous beauty and even get to see what a rave is like down there. The rest of the family just sort of tolerated it, while Roxy, on the other hand, fell in love with their music almost immediately. While their parents are busy talking to King Marin about god knows what, Katheryn, thinking that it would be funny, starts picking on Roxy about her newfound love of techno music.

Roxy however, couldn't tell that she was joking. She took her words to heart and got angry with her sister. The two of them then got into a screaming match, and their argument quickly escalated to the point where Katheryn says:

"Well if you love it so much, why don't you go join them?!"

In a moment of rage, Roxy yelled back, "Maybe I will!" Then, she grabbed her backpack and marched over to the emergency exit hatch.

"W-Wait! Roxy! It was a joke! Don't!" Katie ran forward to stop her, but Roxy was much faster. Without thinking, she opened the door and was immediately shot out into the ocean like a rocket.

Roxy finally came to her senses, and started flailing around in the water. She could see Katie banging on the submarine window, and she could see her mouth moving, but she couldn't hear what she was saying.

It didn't take very long for Roxy to start losing consciousness, but just as everything was going dark, she felt someone wrap their arms around her. She could feel her body being dragged through the water, all the way up to the surface.

Once the two of them made it the the surface, Roxy started coughing and gasping for air. The techno troll dragged her onto the beach and started patting her on the back.

"You're gonna be okay. Just breathe deeply, alright?" he said.

Roxy nodded and continued to cough. After a while, she was able to finally speak without coughing.

"You...saved my life...thank you," she told him. "W-What is...your name?"

"Titus...Prince Titus of the techno trolls," he responded. Roxy smiled at him.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Titus! I'm Roxanne!"

The two of them chatted for a bit on the beach, easily becoming close friends. He even gave her a gift: a mini DJ table that she could fit in her backpack. Not long after that, the angler submarine resurfaced, and Roxy went home with her family.


This story line takes place in an alternate timeline that I have named "Overprotective Father ALT". I'm pretty sure you already know what this means, but I'll be going into more detail about this one in another chapter.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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