Yandere Katheryn ALT

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This was very close to becoming what actually happened in the original story! I'm not even kidding! I changed the storyline to "Possessed Katheryn" at the last second!

This timeline basically speaks for itself.

In Ch. 14, when Roxy refuses to return to Volcano Rock City, instead of Flash possessing her, Katheryn snaps. She realized that if she let her sister go, she'd have nobody from her immediate family left.

And she hated that feeling...she wanted her all to herself!

She dragged Roxy back to Volcano Rock City on her own accord, caged her, and changed her look. She then tried to be nice to her, but Roxy could see what her sister had become, and she was not having any of that.


"Why aren't you talking to me, sister? I love you," Katheryn would say to her on multiple occasions.

"If you love me so much, you shouldn't keep me in a cage like some wild animal!" Roxy would sometimes respond.

"You're in this cage because I love you. Don't you see? If I open the door, you'll just run away again, probably as far away from me as possible."

"That'll be a good thing! You're insane! Psychotic even!"

"No no no...not psychotic...I'm just caring for my precious baby sister, that's all. I don't want you to get lost again. It's better for you to stay right here where I can see you." Katheryn giggled.

Roxy started crying hot tears. "I hate you..." she said. Katheryn was heartbroken.

"Why? Why do you hate me? I did all of this for you! So we can be together again!" Katheryn shouted back.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHY! You dragged me away from my home! From my family!"



Katheryn was furious. "Ok then...I understand...you gave all of your love to them, and now there's none left over for me...guess I'll just have to find a way to...eliminate the competition."


Katheryn had been manipulated by Flash so much that she was starting to think like him. She thought her sister was broken, and she'd do anything to fix her. Thus, Barb's Rock Tour came into being.

When Barb told Roxy about the tour, Roxy demanded to speak to her sister. Katheryn was so happy that Roxy wanted to talk to her, but Roxy was PISSED!

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Roxy screamed. Katheryn jumped back a bit.

"Why shouldn't I? Don't you want to see your family again?" she responded. "You love them SO MUCH, don't you?"

"I love them more than anything else in the world..." Roxy mumbled. Katheryn growled.

"EXACTLY! That's why they're going to be hit by Barb's tour first!" she yelled back at her. Roxy was nearly frozen with terror.

"NO! DON'T! YOU CAN'T!" Roxy cried out.

Katheryn laughed. "Oh I can...and I will..."


After Roxy destroyed the strings, Katheryn finally realized how twisted she had become. She ran over to the pile of rubble to apologize to her sister, only to find her techno heart.

She could feel her heart breaking into a million pieces as she clung Roxy's heart to her chest.

"W-What have I done?..." she sniffled. "This...this is all my fault...I'm sorry...sister...I know you'll...never forgive me...but...I'm just...so...so...sorry..."

Then, she just sat there and cried, knowing that what she did can never be undone...

Forever My Queen: An Alternate RouteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя