"Captain Rogers-"

"Who are you?" I shouted, taking a threatening step forwards as she took a step back. The door opened as two men in all black, bulky uniforms came in. I stepped back, forming a plan in my head. I glanced between the woman and the two soldiers briefly before they each grabbed one arm. I grabbed the material of their suits and threw them simultaneously into the wall. The wall, to my complete surprise, broke easily, as if it were made from cheap building material. The men did not fall to the street below, or even into a hallway. They fell into a large, dark room. As I jumped over the remainder of the wall, I briefly scanned the room before finding an exit. I ignored the pleas of the woman behind me as I took off towards an unknown destination, desperate to escape wherever I was and whoever took me.

As I ran into a hallway with men in sharp suits and a few women in suit-like attire, I heard the woman's voice echo off the walls. Men and women alike looked at me after hearing the woman's voice, and proceeded to chase me. I turned left and ran, pushing men out of my way and dodging women, desperate to escape now. I reached outside the building and ran past people and into the streets. Tall buildings and small, weird looking cars surrounded me. I turned the direction the cars were heading and ran without a second thought.

I reached an open area with people walking around and stopped, finally taking in my surroundings. The buildings were tall, much taller than I remember. Posters hung everywhere on these buildings, advertising things I had never heard of. I squinted as I watched multiple posters moving, then widened my eyes. I spun, taking in as much as I could before the sound of tires squeaking behind me caused me to turn around. A group of large black cars surrounded me and men jumped out, holding rifles in their hands. I clenched my muscles, ready to fight my way through this.

"At ease, soldier," a man's voice called. I whipped my head around, staring face to face with a dark skinned man wearing an eye patch. His long, black trench coat flapped in the small breeze as he approached me, his lips pressed into a thin line. I let out a heavy breath The men behind him were pushing back the crowd of onlookers. "Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there," he said, his voice full of nothing but compassion as he regained my focus, "but, we thought it best to break it to you slowly."

"Break what?" I snapped, my heart still pounding in my chest. I had only been awake for a few minutes and I was already tired of the secrecy.

The man looked at me, a certain pain in his eyes. "You've been asleep, Cap'." He paused, taking his time to swallow before continuing. "For almost seventy years."

My eyes widened, then furrowed as I looked around. Seventy years? How was that even possible? My breath sped up slightly, my heart pounding even faster. I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my head. The man stared at me as I tried to get my barrings. I turned around, trying my best to soak in the information I just received, but failing miserably. Seventy years?

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah," I respond, not bothering to turn back around. "Yeah, I just..." I trailed off, remembering Peggy in my final moments. My feelings of fear turned to remorse and regret. "I had a date," I finally responded with. I stared at nothing in particular as I let myself feel the guilt of breaking my promise to Peggy, my best girl.


I shut the video off, its black and white pictures immediately switching to a black screen. My own reflection stared back at me, a frown etched deep into my face. I let out a sigh, looking down at the papers in front of me. I slowly grabbed the one on top. I couldn't see anything except the big, red "DECEASED" written on the paper in front of me. I stared at the picture of my friend before slowly sliding it to the left, creating a new pile. The next paper looked the same, except this time, a new face was plastered on it. Deceased. I slid it to the left. As I prepared to grab the next paper, my eyes furrowed. This paper was different. A big red deceased did not cover the page. I looked at the picture, allowing a brief feeling of longing and homesickness crash over me. Peggy Carter.

Something More [The Avengers: 1]Where stories live. Discover now