Book 4 chapter 3

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You found yourself in the lowest part of the ship, nestled into a small corner. The rhythmic hum of the engines had lulled you into a deep slumber, and you were snoring softly. But then, a sudden jolt and the cessation of the ship's movement disrupted your dreams, and you awoke with a start. You knew that the ship had arrived at its destination.

Groggily, you got to your feet, stretching your arms and yawning. As you ascended to the deck, the salty sea air washed over you, waking you up. It was a familiar, comforting scent that you had missed during your journey. The ship had docked at the port, and you were eager to begin your mission to help Korra.

Stepping onto solid ground, you took a deep breath of the fresh, salty air. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm and inviting glow over the port. You closed your eyes, relishing in the sensation of warmth on your skin and the gentle breeze that rustled your hair.

Eager to find your way, you approached the locals, asking for directions. With their friendly assistance, you quickly got a sense of where you needed to go. The people here seemed kind and hospitable, and you felt a sense of optimism as you embarked on your quest to assist the Avatar once more.

With a sense of determination and anticipation, you made your way through the unfamiliar streets. Your instincts guided you as you recalled landmarks and directions from the people you had asked. The warm, inviting sun overhead bathed the area in a soft, golden glow as you neared your destination.

As you approached the house, you recognized it from the descriptions you had received. It looked like a cozy and welcoming place, a refuge of peace in a bustling city. With a sense of purpose, you gently knocked on the door just a few times.

From inside the house, you could hear a voice calling out, "Just one minute." It was Kya, and her voice was familiar and comforting. The door opened, revealing her warm and welcoming smile. Without hesitation, she enveloped you in a tight, affectionate hug.

Kya's embrace felt like a warm embrace from an old friend, and you couldn't help but smile. She guided you inside and offered you a seat. As you stepped into the living room, you spotted Katara. Her presence held a sense of wisdom and serenity, and you bowed your head respectfully as a gesture of gratitude for welcoming you into their home.

Kya gestured for you to sit on the couch beside her, and you accepted the invitation with a sense of gratitude and purpose. It was time to discuss your mission and the task at hand with these wise women who held the legacy of the Water Tribe.

Kya: We are genuinely glad to have you here with us.

Katara: Korra's journey has been a challenging one, and she holds herself to a high standard. The truth is that she's been frustrated with the pace of her recovery. There may be times when she becomes upset and lashes out in frustration. But you and Korra share a bond that's unbreakable. Your closeness has been a source of strength for her.

Y/n: I'll do everything I can to support her. Is she awake now? I want to be there for her, especially since she's been dealing with those nightmares and the fear of what might have happened.

Katara: I have a question, young man, if you don't mind sharing. What are your feelings towards Korra?

Y/m: My feelings for her run deep. I love her with all my heart. I'm just really concerned about her well-being. Can you give me an update on her condition?

Katara: She's been showing incredible resilience. She hasn't given up, and that's a testament to her strength.

Y/n: Thank you for letting me know. Could you please tell me where I can find her right now? I want to be by her side.

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