Book 3, chapter 10

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The scene unfolds aboard Suyin's airship as it soars above the mountain ranges. Y/n, Varron, and Nokara are present, and their voices join the discussion.

Suyin: [Placing an airship figurine on a map.] I say we approach from the west, rappel down from the airship on cables, and catch these Red Lotus criminals off guard.

Lin: Not a chance. That Combustion Lady will pick us off one by one.

Suyin: Got a better idea, Lin?

Lin: Yeah, we come up from the valley, scale the mountain's side, and catch them off guard.

Tonraq: That might work.

Suyin: And let them have the high ground? No, if their lavabender spots us, he'll melt the mountainside, and we'll be toast.

Bolin: Hold on, how about this? I'll disguise myself as a lost hiker. Once I'm in the temple, I'll distract the Red Lotus with my bird calls. [Creates bird calls and whistles.] That's when the rest of you can strike.

Mako: Bird calls? Seriously?

Bolin: Well, it's better than nothing, right?

Y/n: [Eagerly.] Hey, Bolin might be onto something there! Who can resist a good bird call, after all?

Korra: It doesn't matter. None of these ideas will work. The moment Zaheer suspects something, he'll wipe out the airbenders.

Suyin: Opal is one of those airbenders. I understand the stakes, believe me.

Korra: Then you must agree that the only plan with a chance is for me to give myself up.

Mako: What?

Lin: Korra, no.

Tonraq: We'll find another way.

Korra: I've talked it over with Lord Zuko, and after careful consideration, I have to do this.

Asami: You can't expect us to stand by and let Zaheer take you.

Korra: The world has been out of balance for too long. It needs the Air Nation back. I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love. Help me save the airbenders first. Then you can worry about saving me.

Tonraq: [After a meaningful look from Suyin.] We're with you, Korra.

Suyin: Yes, we're all here to help in any way we can.

Korra: I'll go radio Zaheer.

Korra exits the meeting room and heads to the Northern Air Temple's radio room.

Korra: Zaheer, are you there? It's me.

Zaheer: I've been waiting for your call. So, do we have a deal?

Korra: Yes. You release the airbenders, and then I'll turn myself over.

Zaheer: And take away the only leverage I have? No. I can't do that. Listen carefully, here's what I need you to do.

Next scene.

ightly, and when she lets go, Bolin envelops her in a tearful hug. As Korra walks out of the airship before it takes off, Y/n, Nokara, and Varron are all there, ready to play their important roles.

Tonraq: Korra.

Korra: Don't worry, Dad. I'll be all right.

Tonraq: (He hugs his daughter.) I just want you to know how proud I am of you. The risk you're taking to save the Air Nation will be remembered for generations.

Korra: (Returning the hug.) I love you, Dad.

Tonraq: (Joining the metalbenders.) And Dad, watch out for Zaheer. He's not very fond of world leaders.

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