Trip to dubai

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Isabel: i wake up to find my self in a car seat and my mum driving and something in my mouth that i seem to be sucking on its a pacifier i spit it out my hands are really tiny and i feel really week so the pills must have worked.

Katelyn: good morning sunshine we are nearly at the airport don't worry only 10 more minutes do you want some milk

Isabel: sure I'm hungry i say to be given a baby bottle but knowing any better i knew i was gonna be using these a lot more so i decide to drink from it we finally arrive at the airport and my mum goes to the boot of the car and assembles something that turns out to be a stroller without the seat but turns out i'm already sitting in the seat and the car seat gets attached to the stroller we get in the merry quiet airport and we make it to the plane in minutes the milk i drank made it to my bladder. Mum i need to go toilet

Katelyn: your my baby now so use your diaper like a good girl

Isabel: i didn't even realise i was in a diaper but my toddler bladder was struggling and after a few minutes it gave up on me and a warm stream of pee flooded my diaper  surprisingly it held it mum i went

Katelyn: okay but i cant change you now we are about to go on the runway and take off also you have to call me mummy okay

Isabel: after a few minutes the diaper felt cold and soggy cause it went cold and i really wanted to get out of it

Katelyn: just wait baby only 1 more plane then we get to take off and ill change you here your pacifier

Isabel: the plane finally went into the sky and the seatbelt sight disappeared and mum unbuckle me

Katelyn: okay lets get you out of that before we do have you got anything left in your system

Isabel: i think i need to poop

Katelyn: okay go on then

Isabel: toilet

Katelyn: Isabella you know you chose option b and you have to do what i say so go on or i wont change you

Isabel: i hate it when mum calls me my full first name and that usually means she is serious i couch down and push and a bit of poop came out

Katelyn: all done okay lets change you before you get a rash  see that wasn't that bad

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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