{ Chapter 5: Captive }

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Sorry can't save me now

Sorry I don't know howSorry there's no way out (sorry)

But down...


      Things move in slow motion. You were one place and now you're at another. Strong hands grip your hands behind your back. You could already feel the bruises begin to form. You're dragged out of the car rather roughly but you managed to stay on your feet. Abraham spoke quickly to the men who dragged you along with them towards what you assume is Dino's mansion. You couldn't understand what he was saying. Everything sounded like it was under water.  You still haven't lifted your head up to survey your surroundings. You're E/C eyes were wide as that violent scene that you just witnessed replayed in your mind. Ash's brother, his only real family, is dead. 

     Eventually you snapped back into reality. You found yourself standing in Dino's office. It smelled so familiar. It caused your stomach to turn. This place was painful. It took you weeks to get Dino's stench off of your skin. "You've been ignoring me, Y/N." Dino said sternly as he turned his chair to face you. Your arms were freed and they just fell to your side. Dino's men stood closely behind you in case you tried to run or something. "I've been.. busy." You cleared your voice and glanced off into the distance, your eyes not looking directly at Dino. 

      "Oh I know exactly how busy you've been." Dino stood up and made his way towards you. His fat fingers grabbed your face roughly, making you look at him. "You've been sticking your pretty little nose in some things you shouldn't be." He lets go of your face and before you could even think of a response he punches you in the jaw, causing you to stumble a bit. "You're mine, Y/N. You answer. When. I. Call." You could hear the anger in his voice.

   You were seeing stars and you felt a slight stinging on your lip. You were bleeding a bit but you wiped it with the top of your clenched fist. You regained your composure. "I thought I could trust you enough to live on your own.." Dino began. He let out a frustrated sign. "But I guess I was wrong. I'm--so disappointed." Dino walks back to his desk and sits down. "I can't let my property out of my sight, I won't have you turn into another Ash Lynx. You have too much potential for it to be wasted in such a way." There it goes, your stomach churned with fear. "Forget everything you know about the outside world. I'm going to break you all over again." Dino motions to his men subtly. They grab your arms and begin dragging you out of the room. "No!--No.. Let me go!" You struggle and scream but of course you're not strong enough to fight. Not anymore. 

     Meanwhile, Eiji was left unharmed by Dino's men. But they were fully aware of the Japanese boy's relationship with Ash. The day came where Ash was going to be released. Eiji stood nervously with Ibe and Max, waiting for Ash's arrival. They also had to inform him of his brother's death. They weren't too sure how he was going to react but it wasn't going to be pretty. Ash walked out of prison with almost a pep in his step. He was glad to be out of there. He moved towards the three men. "What's with the long faces?" He asked. Eiji frowned deeper and shared a glance with Max and Ibe. 

     "Ash uh..." Max began but Eiji stopped him. "Let's talk while we walk." They leave the building and head out onto the street. Once they were a good distance away, Eiji looks Ash dead in the eyes. "Ash...something happened yesterday while me and Y/N went to see Dr. Meredith." Ash's eyes widened a bit. "Y/N was with you?" He wasn't even aware of her involvement. "Yes.. um." Eiji froze for a few seconds. "A group of men came into the place, demanding Dr. Meredith to give up his sample of Banana Fish." Eiji began, Ash was listening intensely. "Your brother...he got up and attacked some guy. He called him Abraham. But.." He looked down at the ground with pained eyes. "Abraham shot Griffin. They took Y/N with them." Eiji felt regret in the pit of his stomach. "I wanted to go with them---" He didn't finish that statement. "Griffin's dead, Ash." Eiji finally said it. 

    Ash's eyes widened. The rage in his expression was clear, but also a deep sorrow. A few tears filled his eyes and he shook them away. This wasn't time to mourn, not yet. Ash knew where they took Y/N. It would be dangerous for him to just walk back in there to get her. He'd have to come up with some plan. He also needed to find Abraham and give him hell for what he did to his brother. Ash was lost in thought. Eiji reached out to him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry..." He said softly. "I'm sorry...I just stood there and did nothing." Eiji couldn't remove this overwhelming guilt he felt over losing Griffin and Y/N. The trust Ash put onto him was shattered. But Ash didn't blame him. He didn't see any of this happening. "If you tried anything they would've just killed you. If that happened.. I don't know--" Ash ran a hand down his face and sighed deeply. Ash pulled out his phone and called Shorter. "Hey--yeah I just got out. Round the boys up. We'll be there in twenty." He hung up the phone. "Let's go." The four of them took off in Max's car. The entire ride Ash's mind was torn between Y/N and his brother.  

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