{ Chapter 4: Old Enemies }

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[ I apologize in advance if things don't match up 100% with the plot. I'll be skipping stuff and adding stuff. ]

     It was clear Ash had been arrested. You weren't sure exactly on what charges but it could be a dozen of different things. The day after Skip died there was a small gathering in his honor. Where he died Ash's gang members placed candles on the ground along with flowers and some photos. It was a small turn up. Not a lot of people had the opportunity to know Skip like Ash did. Hell, you didn't even know the kid that well but he still felt like a little brother to you. The ceremony was short and silent except for the sound of the city that reverberated around you. It pained you that Ash and Eiji weren't there. You were wondering if the Japanese boy was okay or if he even knew what had happened to his friend. 

     The days after were a bit chaotic. You had received multiple phone calls, and angry voice messages from your boss. You ignored them of course. You had more pressing things to deal with now. You never thought you'd find yourself so deeply involved in something like this. But one thing turned to another and here you are, in the center. Instead of returning to your apartment. You had your neighbor, who you trusted feed Susan while you were away.  You stayed at Ash's place, you cooked meals for his members, kept things tidy and clean for when he'd return. It wouldn't be long until he was out of there. 

     "Y/N...?" A soft voice called to you and you turned your head from washing the dishes. It was Eiji, he was alone this time. Usually he's with Ibe. "What's up?" You ask as you turn and cross your arms over your chest. "Ash uh... he's getting out tomorrow. I saw him today." You looked at Eiji's expression. It was off. Was he scared? Nervous? Was that a blush on his cheek? Confused, you stepped towards him a bit. "That's good to hear. I'm sure he's itching to get out of there..." You paused for a moment. "Did he say something to you?" You ask. Eiji quickly shook his head and rubbed the back of his head. "No! Uh well.. not exactly." He laughed nervously. "He gave me the name of a doctor... I think he can help us out." You wiped your hands with the towel and stepped towards Eiji. "Well I'm going with you. Let's see what this doctor is about." You smile at the Japanese boy and pat his shoulder. "What's his name?" You ask. "Dr. Meredith.." Eiji says after a few seconds of pondering. The name was familiar but you never met the man in person. He acted as a doctor to the gangs of New York. "Let's go." 

     As you walked down the street with Eiji you were deep in thought. You could hear the boy talking to you but you weren't listening. Eventually Eiji noticed this and grabbed your shoulder gently. You jumped a bit in surprise and turned to him. "You okay, Y/N?" He asks with concern in his eyes. You nod your head slowly and continue to walk. "Yeah.. it's been a rough few days.." You let out a sigh and Eiji simply nods in response, a frown formed on his face. "Yeah..." He replied. After a few blocks we arrived at our location. The doctor's office was on the third floor of this old, run down building. The two of you trudged up the stairs. At the end of the short hall was the door with a sign that read "Dr. Meredith". Straight forward, you like that. You knock on the door and wait a few seconds until the door opens a crack and an eye peeks through at the two of you. "What do you want?" A gruff voice asks. Eiji tenses up and steps forward. "Ash sent us..." He said with as much confidence as he could muster. The man behind the door glances at both of you for a second before unlocking the deadbolt on the door and letting you in.

   The two of you step inside the small office. There wasn't much to see. A desk, covered in papers and empty coffee cups, a few medical cabinets, a couple of beds and some IV stands. There was however a closed curtain in the far left corner of the room next to the beds. This caught your attention. Someone was behind there. "Well what did Ash want? I heard he's in jail." Meredith asked as he slumped down in his chair. "He wanted to see if you had anymore information on Banana Fish..and for us to check up on his brother." Eiji stated. Your eyes widened a bit. What the fuck is Banana Fish? And since when did Ash have a brother? The two of you weren't close by any means but you'd at least thought you'd be aware if he had a brother or not. 

     In this time you learned about Banana Fish, or what Meredith knows about it so far. That its some drug that is similar to LSD but it's effects last longer and have dangerous side effects. You never heard anything about it, nor did you know that Ash's brother Griffin was affected by it. This was a lot of information to take in but you were already in too deep as it is. Meredith rolled back the curtain and revealed Griffin. He laid in a bed, his eyes open and glazed over. He was alive but barely. "You think he's going to recover from this?" You ask with concern in your tone. Meredith shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know yet.. there's just too many questions still unanswered." He frowned. 

     Suddenly the door flew open and a few men walked in. You and Eiji stepped back, unsure of their intentions. As you watched the men, you recognized one of them. He was one of Dino's guys. His eyes were locked on you. "Give us Banana Fish.." A man with glasses and curly hair said sternly. The two men beside him pulled out their guns. You turn to Meredith who's hesitant. "Who the fuck are you?" He asks. But before anyone can say anything you hear movement behind you. You turn and Griffin is standing out of his bed. His expression is still blank and his legs wobble a bit under him. "No way..." Meredith mutters under his breath. Griffin starts walking towards you and Eiji. You grab Eiji's arm and pull him to the side. Griffin wasn't moving towards you two, his attention was on the man with the glasses.

      "Abra---ham...." Griffin mutters under his breath. You shoot a glance back at the man known as Abraham who's nearly shitting his pants with fear. "No--no way.. You're supposed to be dead.." Abraham takes a step back but Griffin moves closer. In an instant Griffin lunges at him. Abraham falls to the ground with Griffin on top of him. Like a feral animal Griffin tries to rip the man to shreds but before he could a loud bang rang out. Abraham had shot Griffin in the chest. Griffin stumbled back and eventually fell to the ground. "Fuck..." Muttered Abraham and Meredith, almost in unison. You and Eiji were too stunned to do anything. This gave Dino's men the opportunity to grab you while you were dazed. You struggle against them but they're way stronger then you. Abraham gets up. "This isn't.. over" He said with a nervous pant. "Y/N!" Eiji cries out as he tries to go after you but Meredith stops him. They were already gone with you in their clutches. 

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