7.A Jedi

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(Y/n) pov
After Sparks and the girls saved me and explained who and what he was, I took the purge guard's electro staff.

(Imagine the zelda item collection sound)
You have acquired electrostaff/electrobatons

Saw called us all back saying he needed everyone for this, when we got back I met up with Sean.
"Good to see your still alive, have any fun me and Brak sure did, well I mean he did most of the work" he said.
"You know, you never told me Brak's issue with mandalorians?" I asked him, his smile then turned sour.

"Brak like most zabrak's respect strength, you know face to face, Brak was once a bounty hunter for jabba the hutt, he told me one day mandalorian attacked the Palace but they made a deal with jabba and th-"
"Don't say the rest I know what happened after the palace I was there" I confessed
"Well did you know after seizing power on mandalore, the mandalorians turned on everyone locked them up after everything they did for them, not cool". "He told me some of them got taken executed, let go or sold to slavery, Brak was sold, if you want to get him to trust you just keep that in mind" he said before walking away.

'That wasn't the plan, why didn't Vizla listen we should have killed Maul and Savage and forced the criminals of world , I guess I was blind to all the flaws in the plan just so stupid to think there wouldn't be consequences' I thought.

I met up with Saw and his group talking over the plan with someone with a !!LIGHTSABER!!.
"(Y/n) just in time I was just going over the plan with our new friend and your in luck because you'll be working together, I thought you'd like to fight with a jedi again" Saw said before grappling away.

"I'm Cal, Cal Kestis nice to meet you" he said holding his hand out to shake.
"I'm (y/n) Kryze, nice to work with a jedi again" I said shaking his hand.
With we headed and encountered a squad, Cal ignited his blue blade and struck one in the back and force pushed two others and I blasted the other two,we opened the door to a scared R2 unit.
(Cal's blade would be blue Canon wise because its still Jaro Tapal lightsaber crystal which is blue).

"Cal the droid push it at them" I shouted placing a detonite charge on it.
Cal pushed at them I blew shot the charge taking out all five troopers.

We opened the next door and a saw a purge trooper taking out two rebels. "A jedi I've been waiting for this"
"He's all your's,I'm sure you can take him" I said patting his back."That droid looks familiar don't you think Spark?". "Bwopeor" "No, guess your memory is just as bad as mine".

Cal at least proved he has the force but definitely untrained or inexperienced but even then he blocked the first three strikes then got hit in the shoulder but then kicked him in the stomach, pushed in to the wall and then slashed him across the chest killing him.
"Nice job you did better than I did, but then again I don't have the force".

(Half an hour later)
After me and Cal finished another squad we entered room full of wookie prisoners, Cal ran over to the console.
"Why would they need so many wookies or better question, how did they capture this many" I thought out load.
"For now let's just get them out" he said.
One of the walls opened to reveal a security droid"What the - "it knocked me away and grabbed Cal and tossed him towards me.
" Usage of the console is strictly forbiden all intruders will be dealt with"it said before charging towards us,i shot it but didn't flinch knocked me away and grab Cal by the throat before he could strike. I grab my electrostaff and hit it forcing it to drop Cal.
"Now Cal do it" I shouted before Cal grabbed his saber and cut off its left leg and then sliced it in two.

I ran over to the console and hit the release button and then helped Cal up, all the wookies climbed out and gave us both a one crushing hug.
"OK, your welcome can't breathe" the wookies let's us go and the door opened to the other rebels.After that we got on an elevator.
"So, make that lightsaber by yourself why a double blade tho?".
"No it's from my master Jaro Tapal". He said.
"Your master was Jaro the only lasat jedi in the order, but considering that was his I guess he didn't make it" I asked being cautious hoping a didn't put it to far.
"No, he died when we tried to escape our clones just turned on us without reason, master said he felt a disturbance before it happened" he said looking lost in the past, I shook his shoulder to break him out of it. "But you knew my master how I mean not to be rude,but shouldn't you look older?" he asked.
"Well being frozen for 13 years does wonder's for your complexity and I worked once with him aswell as a couple of other jedi, I particularly remember a strange jedi who shared a similar interest as me in studying other ancient dead cultures I can't remember his name tho"I explained
"You too, I was frozen on bracca by accident trying to hide from the clones I was awoken by my friend Prauf sadly he sacrificed himself for me when the empire came for us"

(A few moments later)
After Saw gave his speech he asked Cal if he wanted to join him, but he turned him down said he had somewhere to be, Saw second in command told him they'll inform when they find Tarful.
"So this were we part way, I guess?" I asked Cal
"I got something to do considering I don't know where Tarful is ill deal with this and then comeback
" Well see you,Cal hope you find what you were looking for and come back safe we need as many jedi as we can get".

After Saw orders I walked off to a secluded area and turn on my holo-comunicator and was greeted to Ahsoka's beautiful face.
"Hello (y/n), you're looking nice" Ahsoka said with a smirk.

End.This is my longest chapter yet, I just wanna say thank you to those still reading this has been pretty motivating, enough to start my own YouTube channel(I know shameless plug) so I thank you.
If anyone is interested it's called Recon hacker it has a picture of Bo-katan on it, I post videos with my friends and game walkthrough's.

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