Yongsun genuinely smiled and let her head fall on Byul's shoulder.

"I know. But I'm okay, I'm serious. It's just some worries I've been having. It'll pass." She said softly, pressing a kiss to Byul's shoulder.

Yongsun didn't want Byul to see the hate articles. Both as the group's leader, and as her girlfriend and best friend. She knew Byulyi wanted to be the best she could be. These hate comments tended to push her. She would rehearse more, push herself to the limit, rest less. Yongsun couldn't let her.

"Okay, then." Byul sighed. She knew it wouldn't be easy to get it out of Yongsun. Her girlfriend tended to be protective of her. If she was having worries, she would go out of her way to hide it from Byul, so that she wouldn't have to worry as well.

The manager entered the dressing room to inform them that they would go on stage in 3 minutes, so the girls quickly made their way backstage, where they finished checking if their mics were well placed and touching up their looks.

After the performance, they went back to the dressing room, to eat and relax before heading home. It was the last performance of the day, so they were already exhausted and ready for their well deserved rest.

Byul plopped down on the dressing room couch dramatically, as usual, taking her hair down from the high bun it was in. It had already started hurting her scalp. Yongsun noticed Byul trying to soothe the pain, and immediately went to sit next to her, placing her head on her lap, and massaging it gently. Byul moaned at the feeling, earning scared glances from Hyejin and Wheein, who thought they were doing nasty things in the dressing room... again.

The two younger girls had noticed Yongsun wasn't really in the mood for playing today, so they spent the whole day trying to avoid pissing off the leader. Everytime Yongsun lashed out, not even Byulyi was saved.

But now, seeing how gentle Yongsun was being with Byulyi, they allowed themselves to relax and play around, as usual.

Yongsun threw her head back on the couch, closing her eyes, deep in thought.

I just don't understand why people feel the need to comment on certain things. So Byul doesn't like feminine choreographies, it doesn't mean she's a bad dancer.

She sighed, looking down at Byul, who was already fast asleep on her lap.

I wish I could take all of the hate for them. She thought, looking around at her members. They didn't deserve the hate they got. People didn't know them. They didn't know how hard it was for Hyejin to accept herself, and become the confident woman she is today. They didn't know how hard it was for Wheein to deal with her anxiety and depression and pretend nothing was happening for years. They didn't know how hard it was for Byul, to keep going and keep trying even after being scammed, called fat, and being made a rapper, losing her confidence in singing.

They didn't know shit.

As Mamamoo's leader and eldest, she had experienced the member's highs and lows firsthand. She saw their pain, she saw their struggles. Many times she tried to help, but it was out of her reach. It was hard for her too. But people didn't care about that. They never did.

The frown returned to her face without her even noticing. She continued to stroke Byul's hair, occasionally moving the strand that had fallen over her face behind her ear. Wheein and Hyejin could see she felt down.

"Unnie?" Wheein called. Yongsun looked up at her with exhausted, sad eyes. "Is everything okay?" Yongsun forced another smile.

"Yeah, guys, don't worry. Everything's okay." She said. The younger girl's weren't convinced.

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