New Beginnings (The Office)

Start from the beginning

Jim looked from Drake to Pam in consideration. He shrugged and made his way around the couch, "Sure."

He sits down next to Pam and she carefully passes Drake over to him.

Jim cradles Drake like he does Phillip and looks at him for a moment. "He's kind of cute," he admitted.

Pam smiles, "Right?"


Jim never expected Ryan's work ethic to change because of this.

Jim and Ryan stepped out of the car and began to approach the Austin Athlead building. Upon the Halperts and Ryan moving to Austin, Jim had started working almost immediately, helping to get Athlead get situated with the change, while Ryan helped Pam with unpacking and getting them settled into the house. Now that Athlead was ready for a change in employees, Ryan was ready to start working there.

Jim turned to Ryan, "You ready?"

Ryan nodded, a little breathlessly, "Yeah."

As they entered the building, they were almost immediately met with Darryl seeing them.

"Hey, Jim!" Darryl pulled Jim in for one of those bro-hugs. When he pulled away, he seemed to register that Ryan was there, "Hey, man."

"Hey," Ryan tried to smile, but felt a bit uneasy and it showed. He knew that Darryl didn't like him that much and he could hardly blame him.

Jim seemed to pick up on this and patted Ryan's carefully on the back, "So, you ready for your first day at the job?"

"Yeah, actually, I am," Ryan replied, a little more confidently. He pauses, "What happened to your last receptionist?"

"She went back to Philly," Darryl answered, a little more good-naturedly. "She was a part of the team sent here to help the branch in the first six months."

Ryan nodded, slowly, "So, this job..."

"Is all yours," Jim grinned. He quickly shrugged, nonchalantly, "If you want it."

Ryan smiled slightly and added, cheekily, "We'll see."

"Let's show you to your desk then," Darryl suggested.

He brought them over to a nice looking black desk with red trimming. It's big enough to resemble Pam's old desk, but it looks more contemporary.

"So what do you think?" Jim asked, expectantly.

Ryan nodded, awed, "I like it."

"Great." Darryl looked at his watch, "Look, I gotta go, but good luck, man." He gives a small, closed-lipped smile Ryan's way -- who nods in thanks -- before he runs off.

Jim checks the clock behind him, "I should probably go too. But I'll see you for lunch?"

Ryan nods, "Sure thing, Jim."

"Issac'll be over shortly to show you the ropes."

"Got it."

Jim chuckled, "All right, I'll get out of your hair. Good luck!"

"Thanks, Jim!" Ryan shouts as Jim jogs off.

Come lunch time, Jim came back over to Ryan's desk. "You ready?" he asked him.

"Yeah, just give me a second," Ryan replied, preoccupied with typing something on his computer.

Jim leaned his arms on the top of the desk as he watched Ryan typed. Eventually curiosity got the better of him and he leaned over further causally to see what Ryan was doing. To his surprise, he sees Ryan diligently organising the computer's calendar, colour-coding each appointment in correspondence to the nature of the visit.

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