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Hawk POV❄️

There was a buzzing in my ear and Astorias voice filled my head.


"Yeah, why?"

"There is a barrier. I can't get through"

My heart sank. We couldn't help her. This was a sole mission for the daughter of Cinderella.

Rose POV 👠

I kept on watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Silently, I whispered "fairytale of my dreams, glass slippers make the scene" My shoes transformed, and I went back to waiting for the perfect opportunity. Somehow, the witches and wizards from Earth were there as well. The Evil queen was on a podium in the middle as everyone else were all around. The place was packed. I was surprised I found a hiding spot. I would have to do this alone, as much as my heart hurt.

Ok another short chapter. Btw, this book is coming to an end. Prob like 10 or more chapters...


To give you something to think about, the next two chapters are called:

The Capturing of A Cinderella

The Killing of A Cinderella

Have fun thinking about them!!!????

Thanks for reading it so far and not getting toooo bored with it!!!

Mimi_ship out❤️❤️❤️

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