chapter 6: THE WEDDING!

Start from the beginning

"Wow, if I didn't think you could get any more beautiful, this just Wow."

"Lost for the words there Jason?" I said with a giggle.

"No... I'm just trying to think of a way to compliment you but your beauty already does that."

"Nice pick up line. Very smooth, but I must say you don't look too bad yourself and you even wore something blue like I said." and I was right. He was wearing a lovely checkered sliver suit with a blue tie and a blue handkerchief in his pocket and his tight white polo shirt didn't hide much of his toned body because you can see that he works out a lot.

"Ermmmm. White Lily. Can you please stop drooling. Your going to get my shoes ruined." he said laughing to himself.

"I was not drooling, you were." 

~~at the wedding~~

So as we arrived to the wedding, we could already see that people were taking there places and from when we left it looked like my sister wasn't too far behind us so I grabbed Jason hand, and led him to our seats as we waited for my sister to arrive.

"Can everyone please rise for the bride." the scenery was so lovely and the music that was playing was so my sister idea and I'm not going to complain that my sister fiancé wasn't that bad looking, so at least I know that she went for a good one and just like that, my sister was walking down the aisle she was wearing a gorgeous white dress with of shoulders top and a long nice lace bottom. I'm jealous. "Please sit as we will now start the wedding. so we are gathered here today to join these two lovely people." Blah bLah Blah. Gosh, I forgot how long these took. "So do you Dylan  take Darcy Jane Clark to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do, Darcy take Dylan Edward Kirby to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I...I...I don't. I'm sorry." Ha I knew she was going to run. 

"Is no one going to go after her. *cricket sounds* oh fine I'll go." So I started to run as fast as I can because I don't know how fast she can run ion heels. Well not very far because I just found her sitting under a tree. "Hey you." God she is not feeling the love today. *Darcy gives me death glares* "So... what happened?"

"I honestly don't know like I thought I was ready but when I stood up there listening to what's going to happen after we get married I just couldn't. I'm only 21 and I have my whole life a head of me and I should of known that getting married too early in our relationship would cause someone like this, I'm just shocked that it was me who ran."

"So what are you going to do? Sit out here all day or go back in there and tell him that its too soon and you guys should reschedule for a later date. Maybe in like 2 years at least."

"Sure." and we both just sat there giggling away until I helped her get back into the wedding.

"I'm sorry for troubling you people for coming but I'm calling the wedding off."

*all the guest*"Oh wow." "Seriously" "and I just bought this dress."

"I'm truly sorry but I will keep the party going just so you guys can have free food and drink."

"Are you seriously calling off the wedding?" Dylan  looked a bit too furious over what she just said like, at least she didn't break up with you. "do you know how much money I spent on this?"

"Yeah I'm sorry but I just didn't feel comfortable going through this because we've only been together for 6 months like do you not think that's too soon?"

"when you love someone as much as I do."

"Well I'm not breaking up with you, if you think that's why I'm doing all of this. I still love you."

"Well if you still love me then why didn't you marry me?"

"Because It would mean throwing my life away when I have so much to do like I'm only 21."

"So. I just think your being chill and selfish."

"And I think you're getting a bit too dramatic."

"Why don't we just stop fighting and carry on with this wedding."

"I don't think you understood me. I said I DONT WANT TO GET MARRIED and now because you're getting too out of hands and I don't even want to see you anymore so please."

" can't do this."

"Oh,  I think I can. Security, GET THIS MAN OUT OF MY SIGHT."

"You will regret this Darcy. I will make you mine you hear me. MINE." 

"God he's a bit obsessive." I said trying to see her laugh but nothing. Well at least the after party is still on and I think someone owes me money.

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