chapter 8: Unexpected Guest!

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My journey back home was meh because I felt guilty for leaving Jason there but what else. could of I have done. Stayed there and talk about what is actually going on between us, if there is an us to begin with. I just pray that he doesn't come to school because he feels sick from the amount of drinks we had yesterday. 

"Everything ok there sis? you seem a little head in the clouds?" I turned round to look at her with a soulless face and she just nodded and carried on driving home. "You know at some point in your life you're just going to have to take the risks and follow your heart and not that stubborn brain of yours." I giggled knowing that what she was saying was true but I just needed some time to think.

~~2 days later 09:15~~

"Late again Lily ?!"

"Sorry. My parents were late waking up an--"

"Save your excuses for someone who will tolerate late comers but because of your attitude in class I will let it go. *mumbling* For the 1245 times." 

"Huh what was that sir?"

"Oh nothings. So today class." Mr McMuffin was always called the strict teacher out of our school but the thing I don't get is, is that he always seems to let me off for being late even thought I'm always 100% late for his class. You could say its like a schedule.

So I walked over to my seat to see that Jason was in class today because yesterday he wasn't so I just thought he would skip school completely this week. But as I'm sitting down all I could see from the corner of my eye is Jason eyeing me up and down which is making me quite nervous because, well, you know. So for the past 25 minute I have been doing what I usually which is taking notes about the lessen but sadly today I was more doodling about Jason than learning about the Earths Earthquake lines and how they are formed. Next thing I know I'm getting a note being past to me.



             hey, after class do you mind meeting me outside so we can talk?

*tick yes or no*

*note gets past back with an answer *



*Note being past back*


            Why not?

*note being past back*


      Because we have nothing to talk about.

*note being pas--

"Jason Sullivan, please head to the head teachers office for pasting notes during class." Well that's one way of getting out from talking to him.

~~Break time~~

"Hey girl"

"Hi Alalah"

"Why the long face? did someone bully you again? do I need to take out my hoop earrings and do that cat fight scene to save your a**?"

"No NO Alalah. it's just in class today. Jason was passing notes to me asking me to talk to him after class and even before that he kept eyeing me up and down. But with him passing notes to me, he got caught and was told to go see the head teacher."

"Damn, I wish my lessons were as interesting as that. The only thing I get from a lad is when they need help in a test. Anyway I've got to go because I have cooking class and its all the way on the other side of school and I don't really want a late reputation like you."


"Gotta go bye love you kisses." That is what you call a best friend right there folks. The kind of best friend who tells you all about your reputation.

So for the rest of the day I have been trying to avoid a Jason, but everywhere I go he's just there. Like even in the toilets he was-- actually no he wasn't it was just a girl with the name Jason but still he was everywhere. 

"Hey Lily." Ignore him "Oi LILY WAIT UP." no time like the present now.

"Hey Jason"

"So about what happened at the party I--"

"Its fine Jason. I just want to forget about it now."

"But why I mean, can you not see the sparks between us? can you not feel this connection pulling us together?" I do feel it but I just can't right now. This is what I wished I said but instead.

"No, no I don't. The only thing I feel is hunger."

"So let me take you to a cafe to get a muffin."

"Jason, I think you should just let this go and let me be alone for a bit. So I can think at least about whatever THIS is." So I started to walk over to my dads car and--

*kissing sounds*

"Jason stop." *push back* "you kissing me isn't going to make me think any faster. in a matter of fact I'm starting to think that we're better off our separate ways." Jason signed and I walked to my dads car getting in.

~~Back home~~

So the car ride back home was silent, even when I entered the house, I didn't even say hello to mum. All I could think about was Jason and what would happen if we did get together or not but  all I know is that I need some time, because if I rush into things it might end up the same as me and Ben did.

"Oh dear forgot to tell you something."

"Another blind date huh" I said with *eye-roll*

"Not that. Your dad has invited someone over for dinner tonight. So I want you on your best behaviour and get changed as well, I don't want them thinking we live in a bin."

"Ughhhh fine." So I quickly go upstairs and changed into one of my none favourite dress.

So me and mum were waiting forever for this unknown guest. it felt like hours an-- *Ding Dong*

"Go get it Lily."

"OK" so I walk over to the door and when I opened it I didn't except to see.


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